Symbolic Meaning

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Puck could feel his heartbeat in his chest as he dropped the ruby colored rose onto the ground. If Puck didn't hate Peter before, he definitely did now. Peter had been ruining everything for him. He got in the way, everyone liked him better, and he was stealing Sabrina! Puck knew he had to do something about their date... and quick.

He slung open the closet door and raided through Sabrina's things. Sure, she'd give him a visit from her right hook if she found out, but this was too urgent for him to worry about a future bruise. He shoveled through journals and clothes -Sabrina needed to clean her room up a little- and searched under her bed.

A few minutes later, Puck came across her current journal. Of course, he picked it up and read it. Most of the entries had been her thoughts on the last few cases. When he got to the last one, he realized it was partly about him. She wrote how she was upset at him for not telling anyone about his brother's letter. Puck sighed and shut the journal, not wanting to read anymore of her disappoint in him.

Huffing, Puck and sat down on her comforter after not finding anything to help him. Something stabbed his bottom and a small yelp came from his lips. There was a picture frame sitting on her bed, the one Sabrina had looked at just before Peter made an appearance. He noticed how normal they were behaving when Relda snapped the picture, and an idea formed in his head.

If Puck wanted Sabrina to pay attention to him, he'd just have to revert to his old ways and stop moping around. He'd have to be normal.

With a mischievous grin stretching along his face, Puck left Sabrina's room in a rush. Peter asked Sabrina if she wanted pizza, and she said yes. Well, there was only one place in Ferryport that sold pizza; Poco's Pizza.

When Puck trampled into the living room, Daphne stopped him. "Did you know that Sabrina's going on a date with Peter?"

"Ye-" Puck suddenly decided to act as if he didn't know what going on, so they wouldn't guess what he was actually doing. "Nope, I totally didn't. Anyways, I needed to uh, go run some -what's the word?- errands! Yep, I'm off to do errands."

Puck left quickly, leaving Daphne muttering to herself. "That was definitely weird."

The air was nice as it blew through Puck's hair while he flew through the orange sky. Unfortunately, his jealous -not that he'd actually admit it- mind kept him from noticing the breeze. He quickly scanned over the city before dropping to the ground and retracting his wings. Puck had just enough time to get to Poco's Pizza before Sabrina and Peter. He didn't want to show up before them, because then it would seem like he was following them. Sure, he was actually following Sabrina and the bane of his existence, but they don't need to know that.

He strutted into parlor with his head held high and stopped at the front desk. The waiter asked, "How many?"

"Just me."

The waitress was physically around his age and had long black hair with beautifully tanned skin. She was tall and graceful as she lead him to his table for one. Her facial features were sharp and defined, and her icy blue eyed seemed hardened. She was definitely familiar to Puck, but he couldn't figure out who she was. Since she was a teenager, he'd probably seen her around school or something.

"Here you go, Puck. I'll be back in a minute to see what you want to drink."

Puck finally got a good glance at her name tag which read Octavia. He felt dumb when it all clicked into place. This girl in front of him was one of Sabrina's two friends and she came over all the time with her parents. Puck knew he must be losing it if he hadn't even recognized her.

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