Hello, Peter Pan

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The boy who stood in front of Puck was surrounded by the Grimm Family in the living room. All of them seemed to gleam with joy, especially Daphne who had almost drawn blood from bighting her palm so hard and had let squeals escape from her throat. Even Red looked as if she was happy to see the new guest, since she stood right next to him, smiling brightly. Puck sure wasn't happy, though, in fact, he was extremely angry at the sight of their new friend.

Speaking of the boy, he had grown up a few years than the last Puck had seen him. He stood tall and lean with broad shoulders. Dark red hair fell just above his eyebrows in an unruly mess. You could see the exhaustion in his light chocolate eyes that drooped and had tired lines under them. He still forced a bright smile on his sad face, though. You could tell that there was something off about him as if he had deep sorrow and regret intertwined into his past. Puck almost felt bad for the poor guy, but then remembered the reason he had hated Peter Pan in the first place.

"Puck? Why are you here, old friend?" Peter wondered curiously.

"We're not friends and haven't been for a long time. Also, I live here, and why do you dare to cross into my territory?" Everyone rolled their eyes at Puck's antics and felt as if the king was giving the newcomer a extremely rude welcome.

"Peter needed some help back in Neverland," Granny defended Peter from her adoptive son's words.

"Couldn't he just have fixed the problem himself? Or went to someone else?" Puck asked after crossing his arms with suspicion entering his mind, he refused to let Peter try and become 'buddies' with his family. He was just too dangerous.

Granny Relda turned to Peter and said, "Actually, he hasn't told us yet, since he got here just a few minutes before you, Puck."

Peter nodded his head and started his story about what had been going on in his home island, and why he had come to the Grimms' house in the first place. "A sorcerer was sent to Neverland a few months ago, and has been causing chaos, and planning to take control over the whole island, then the world. He's summoned spirits, demonic ones and they're harming my people. I tried to stop this man, but he's way too powerful and has got his hands on too much magic. He's also murdered a few friends of mine... and enemies, like Captain Hook. Even if I didn't get along with him, I still wouldn't have wished him to go down with so much pain.

"Anyways, after I realized it was impossible to defeat him by myself, I left to search for help. Eventually, I came to a town and told them about my problems. There was a woman there, Rhonda Grimm or something, and-"

Sabrina interrupted him then. "Hold on, we don't know of a Rhonda Grimm in the family."

Peter shrugged his shoulders and answered, "That might of been her name, might not of, I can't really remember. Anyways, she said that I needed to come here because you might be able to help save Neverland."

Relda pondered on his story for a moment before wondering, "So, is this sorcerer an Everafter? What does he look like and do?"

"I don't know if he's an Everafter, I would assume he is," Peter guessed. "Now physically, he's around thirty to forty years old, has blonde hair, and has this huge scar going over his left eye. Now, this man is extremely dangerous, he knows all kinds of spells and has a bunch of enchanted... glass, I think?"

Puck noticed how Peter doubted himself, an immediately thought that Peter was lying them; that there was no maniac. Puck noticed how Sabrina hadn't acted as if she though Peter was fake... yet. She never trusted anyone, so he knew that Sabrina would soon listen to him.

"Alright, I guess we should start researching," Relda started. "Daphne, you and Sabrina look to see who this Rhonda Grimm is. The rest of us need to figure out anything to match the sorcerer's traits. Oh- and Peter, can you tell us anything else?"

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