Daphne's Therapy Session With Puck

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Daphne dragged Sabrina all the way down the sidewalk -with Red trudging behind- anxious to get back to Peter. She'd been nibbling on her palm all day from the excitement, and at one point her teacher asked if she would quit because the action looked rather disgusting. So, bursting through that door had been her dream for about seven hours.

Throughout the drag-a-thon, only Red had managed to notice the swirling dark clouds from up above. She seen white colored sparks illuminating the storm clouds, causing them to glow a bright hue. Red didn't really think much of it, except that she may paint a canvas to resemble it. After all, the sky was beautifully eerie and could add some decoration to her wall.

When Daphne finally managed to completely pull Sabrina's hand all the way to their house, she slung open the door and all three of them trampled in. Squeals came from the younger Grimm and she slung herself onto Peter who just blushed awkwardly from the small girl's embrace.

"Um... Hello there, Daphne."

Sabrina walked over to pry her sister off of the poor everafter. "Sorry about her, she can get quite excited over fairy tales. I might recommend that you steer clear from Daphne for a few days."

Peter just shook his head and grinned charmingly. "I think it's rather sweet how she has a love for everafters. It shows a real innocent side of her."

The blonde sister had a loss for words when Peter brought that to her attention. Throughout the years, Daphne's annoying fangirling had always either embarrassed Sabrina or made her have to look out for her sister's safety. Not once did it occur to her that it was what made her seem so unfazed by the world. That fairy tales made Daphne have hope for a happily everafter. Sabrina on the other hand was far too damaged to collect enough hope in her heart to see the good in the world. There was only one basic rule that she believed in, that she should never trust anyone.

Daphne stuck her tongue out at her sister and remarked, "See Sabrina? He thinks I'm sweet!"

Sabrina redeemed herself from her thoughts after she heard her name slip from Daphne's mouth. "Okay Daph, just don't drive him nuts with your fangirling."

Granny walked into the living room with a cheery smile on her lips, and a slight skip in her step- well, as much of a skip someone her age could have. "Lieblings, I have a surprise for all of you."

"Ooooh, what is it? Show me!" Daphne directed her attention to Granny Relda and left Peter alone, smirking from what he knew was about to happen.

Relda just ushered them up the stairs and opened the first door. A whiff of paint fumes hit everyone as they gasped at what used to be Puck's room. Instead of a wooded forest, the room had been replaced with navy blue walls and and a full sized bed. On the bed was an orange through Sabrina slept with every night and two pillows. Of course it had sheets on it, but they had been tucked under the mattress, something Relda always did when making a bed. In the corner of the room was a dresser and a desk that Sabrina presumed had been in this room before the forest enchantment.

Sabrina turned her head towards Relda with curiosity. "What about Puck's room?"

Relda gestured towards the closet on the opposite side of the bed, and answered, "I got a hold of Baba Yaga and convinced her to put the enchantment in the closet, if you don't mind."

Sabrina wasn't sure how she felt about Puck practically sharing the same room as her. There were so many things he could do to her as she slept. He'd have better leverage over her, and could prank her to no end. She wondered why Granny felt like this was a good idea.

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