But We're Not the Smith Family

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Two Grimms and a pink winged king were sitting on an older, worn out couch in the living room of Relda's house. Peter Pan was amongst them, but his bad blood with Puck and the rejection from Sabrina kept him from makimg eye contact with either one. Well, that was what Sabrina assumed, anyway. The other three talked with one another about the journey they were about embark on. Sure, it seemed dangerous and not like a vacation, but none of them planned to back down and cower with their tails between their legs.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" asked Sabrina as she fingered a small silver ring that's magical gleam was only visible if someone held it close to their eyes.

"Yes 'Brina, it'll work. Plus, I've already tried out mine," Uncle Jake told her for what was most likely the tenth time. She was anxious about what was about to come. Part of her said that they shouldn't leave, but the other part of her was curious and wondered what this organization was.

Puck interrupted with a whine coming from his slightly deep, yet childish voice. "Do I seriously have to be a girl? I refuse!" He reached over to snatch Jake's ring out of his hands. "Give me the other ring!"

"Nope, I made the rings, I get to choose," Jake bragged and held it out of Puck's reach. Sure, the faerie was about the same height as Jake now (and could fly), but that didn't stop the older man from acting as if Puck was still the short, physically eleven year old he met five years ago.

Puck replied sarcastically, "Well, technically you didn't make them, you enchanted them."

With Jake's intelligence in the magical field, he was able to give the three rings a special enchantment; one that changed the appearance of whoever was wearing it. Now, here's the real question. Why would Jake, Sabina, and Puck have to be able to change the way they look? Obviously, it was a disquise, but not just to make them unnoticeable; it was to turn them into the Smiths.

It all started when Octavia and her mother came over last week. They showed the Grimms the letter, and realized that there was a new alliance forming. The letter was more of an invitation, inviting specifically them to join. Relda and her family weren't even supposed to find out about it.

Then, Jake came up with his brilliant plan. At first, he said that Pocohantas, Octavia, and John could go along with the invitation and meet the mysterious person at the train station. Of course Relda objected, and said that there was no need for them to get mixed up in any of this. A few arguments and suggestions later, a new plan rose into the mix.

What if the three of them went undercover? He knew spells to help them out, so it was possible. The only question was if they would be able to keep up the act. Plus, one of the guys would have to be female -Jake was not going to let it be him- and that might of been awkward. Pushing aside the embarrassing part, he decided that they would just need to try their best and work to figure out what this new alliance was all about. They were fairytale detectives afterall.

"Puck, will you just shut up for a minute?" Sabrina wondered annoyedly after he deicided to give her uncle a sarcastic reply.

He growled and threw his hands up into the air, causing Peter to duck as to not get hit from behind him. "I don't want a girl's body! That's just... ugh, digusting!"

Daphne walked in from the kitchen with a few cookies stuffed into her mouth. "Technically, people will only think that you look like a woman. You won't actually be a girl. It more like an illusion instead of a transformation." Daphne walked in from the kitchen with a few cookies stuffed into her mouth. "And why on Earth would you not want to be Pocohantas' daughter? It would be so gravy if I had the chance to be an actual princess' kid!"

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