Chapter 4

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Albus’s jaw dropped as he stared at his farther “Dad!?”

Harry looked at Albus and pushed his glasses back up his nose. “That’s Professor Potter, Albus”

“Err, yes, sorry….Professor”

Harry chuckled and went to stand at the front of the class.

The rest of the class wear murmuring to each other and Albus already knew what they were saying.

“That’s Harry Potter!”

“The boy who lived!”

“I can’t believe it!”

“We’re being taught by THE Harry Potter!”

Albus groaned and sighed putting his head on his arms. Scorpius did the same and looked at him “Dude, I can’t believe your dad’s working here!”

“I can.” he muttered.

“Right, today we are going to learn about vampires, now who can tell me what the differences are between vampires and us?”

Rose put up her hand and Harry nodded to her.

“Vampires have red eyes and sparkle” she said.

The class began to snigger and Albus rolled his eyes.

“Vampires don’t sparkle Rose.” said Scorpius.

“You’re half right Rose” said Harry,

“They drink blood and have super senses” said Gordon Brown, a Gryffindor boy.

“Right Gordon, 5 points to Gryffindor and another 5 for Roses answer.”

Albus watched his Father as he began to talk about what can kill a vampire. Scorpios hung on to Harry’s every word, scribbling down things onto parchment. Albus did the same although he already knew how to defeat a vampire.

“Okay, one side of parchment on how to identify a vampire and how to kill one on my desk Monday afternoon.” said Harry. Albus stood up with the rest of the class and turned to go out when someone touched his shoulder. He turned to see his Father smiling at him “Can I have a word Albus?”

“Sure” he looked at Scorpius who was waiting for him.

“I’ll wait outside Al” he smiled walking out.

“Thanks” Albus smiled. He turned to his Father who smiled.

“So that’s Scorpius Malfoy?”

“Yeah” smiled Albus.

Harry nodded then grinned and pulled Albus into a hug. “I’m so proud of you son”

Albus looked at his dad.

“Seeker! In your first year”

“Yeah but…I’ll be up against James and I know you and mom will want him to win”

“Why you say that?”

“Because he’s in Gryffindor” said Albus.

“I know son but I’ll support you in which ever house you’re in”

Albus nodded then frowned “I don’t have a broom”

“I’ll see what I can do” he smiled. “Now go on and don’t forget, just because you’re my son, it doesn’t mean I wont go hard on you, just ask James”

Albus grinned and walked out. Scorpius and Rose were waiting for him and when they saw him, they went over. “What did your dad say?” asked Scorp.

“He just said that he was proud of me getting into the



“Did you talk him into letting you have the Firebolt?”

“No of course not but he did say he will look at getting me a broom before my first mach”

“Good because you can’t use a school broom” said Rose

“Yeah they’re crap” agreed Scorpius.

It was now October and coming towards Halloween. Albus was getting ready for his first Quidditch mach. Scorp had been keeping him up at night, telling him the best tactics and how to fly faster. Albus didn’t mind though, he took it in his stride.

It was now Saturday morning. Albus sat up and ran his hand threw his hair. Scorpius was asleep, snoring in the bed beside him. Albus chuckled and got dressed in some shorts and a T-shirt and walked down to the Quidditch pitch.

This was his last practice before the first match and it was against Ravenclaw. Albus knew the seeker was in his third year and he was very good. Albus walked onto the pitch and looked around. The rest of the team wear already out their practicing. “ahh their you are Potter” smiled Eliza flying down. “wears your broom?”

“I err haven’t got one yet”

“what! Wear playing next week, Albus you NEED a broom, you cant expect us to beat Ravenclaw with a school broom”

“sorry, ill get one I promise”

“make sure you do, anyway, lets go”

Training was intense. Eliza was pushing them harder as the first mach of the season was important. Even on a school broom, Albus still caught the snitch in under 10 minuets. After practise, Albus walked into the dinning hall and sat down on his own. A few minuets later Scorpius came in and plonked himself down beside him “hey, how was practice?”

“grate but I still haven’t got a broom”

“don’t worry Al”

Albus managed a smile but he couldn’t help worrying about the Quidditch mach. What if he messed up in font of the whole school?

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