Chapter 12

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On the night of the third night, Albus woke up at midnight. Around him, all the other boys in the dorm wear asleep. Creeping silently, he scooped up the three heart stones and put them in my pocket. Sliding on my jeans and a top, he crept past Scorpius’s bed looking down at him. Albus smiled softly, his heart falling slightly. He hoped Scorpios would forgive him for ignoring him over the past three days. Holding his breath, Albus walked down the long corridor of the school and towards the girls bathroom. He looked around, to make sure that no one was following before walking in. “Luminos” the tip of his wand shone brightly. The entrance to the chamber was already opened. Taking a deep breath, the young Slytherin looked down the dark pit and jumped. He slid down the tunnel and fell on his face as he landed. Slowly, he knelt up and looked around. Their wear two passages. Suddenly, their was a scream behind him. Albus jumped out of the way as Rose fell beside him.

“Ow!” she complained.

“Rose! What the hell are you doing hear?!”

“I should ask you the same thing!”

Just then, their wear a few more screams as Amy, Kat and Sophie slid down, Scorpios behind them. “what the hell are you guys doing hear!” demanded Albus.

“you didn’t think you wear coming on your own did you?” asked Scorpios after kissing him.

“but…how did you know”

“you mumble in your sleep” he grinned.

he sighed “its too dangerous…go back”

“no way” said Kat

“yeah, wear in it together” said Rose.

he sighed “fine! But you have to do what I say okay?”

They nodded “loud and clear!”

Frowning, he lead the way down the left passage and walked quickly. The others followed behind him, single file. his breath quickened when they reached the middle of the tunnel. They stopped and stopped breathing.

“welcome Albus Potter and friends”

Five hooded figures stood near a stature of a snake. On the floor in front of them, was a bubbling caldron. His dream was coming true. Two of them, stood slightly in front. They pulled down their hoods and Rose gasped.

Their skin was pale white. They had no hair on their face. They had two slits wear their noses should be, and their eyes held evil. They looked exacualy like lord Voldamort.

One of them had a frown on his face, mixed with a sneer. The other one had a slightly more happy expression. “I trust you brought the heart stones” said the one with a frown.

“I have them” said Albus “but I have to ask…..who are you and what do you want?”

He narrowed his eyes “I’m Kalda and this this my brother, indka….we want the heart stones and you Albus Potter”

“why?” I asked.

“simple, to bring back our farther” said Kalda.

Then it dawned on me. They wear Voldamort’s children. “your fathers Voldamort” I whispered.

“oh smart and cute” giggled Indka.

“Shut it you idiot” snarled Kalda.

He looked back at Albus “our mother was stupid little which, thought our farther loved her….the fool”

“don’t call mommy a fool” frowned Indka.

“Indka is most like her” smirked Kalda. “a disappointment to our farther.”

“why do you need Albus?” asked Scorpius standing beside me.

“why, to awaken our farther, you see, when Harry Potter killed him, he faded away…turned to dust…..his dust formed three heart stones….that’s right Albus Potter, you have been finding the parts of Lord Voldamort and now you have brought him hear, to us, and by using your blood, we will bring lord Voldamort back from the dead!”

Albus opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. he was too shocked. he was going to be the one who brought back he who must not be named. The son of Harry Potter, the one to rise Lord Voldamort. Not if he could hate it. he gripped his wand in his pocket and drew it out fast but Kalda knocked it out of his hand with Expellearmes.

“grab him” he hissed.

The three death eaters puffed into back smoke and surrounded us, grapping the 6 of us. Kalda grabbed him and pulled him towards the caldron.

“Albus!” shouted Scorpius trying to brake free from one of the death eaters grasp.

He struggled to brake free but Kalda held on tightly.

“the stones Albus, or your little friend dies!”

he looked over as a wand was brought up to Scorpius’s neck.

He dove into my pockets and handed them to him “their! Now let them go!”

“no” grinned Kalda. “I’m enjoying this!”


A bust of while light entered the room, to reveal Harry.

Kalda dropped him, his eyes wide with surprise as Ginny, Ron, Hominine and the other members of the order flew in.

The death eaters and the order began to fight. he dove for the three heart stones and shoved them into my pocket and ran towards wear my friends wear huddled together. Scorpius handed him his wand and he blocked a spell and sent it straight back to the death eater. Draco Malfoy flew in and fought beside my farther, sending Indka into the caldron, making him howl in pain. I felt a sture of pity for him, after all, he was too thick to know any better.

Kalda let out an all mighty roar and he grabbed Indka by the hood “we’ll be back! You cant run or hide forever!”

And with that, they and the death eaters, puffed into back smoke and vanished into thin air.

Their was science in the room for a few moments before Harry spoke “go back to the common room and go back to sleep. You tell no one about this, let the order handle this now”

The six of them looked at each other before getting up and walking out. Albus turned to his farther. “how did you know we wear hear?” he asked

Harry looked at him “don’t you think I’ve been noticing something was wrong Albus? I’m your farther….I should of known something was wrong, the first second I found the stone in your draw….”

I gave a nod. “okay….” without meeting his or any of the orders eyes, I turned and held on to Scorpius hand, and walked out of the chamber of secrets, trying to forget about what had just happened to me.


the next chapter will be the last chapter of Albus potter and the three heart stones, but if you want more, i'll be writeing the secound story soon!!

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