Chapter 10

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Albus ran over to wear his farther had been pushed back “Dad!?”

Harry slowly got up rubbing his back “well done Albus!”

The room then filled with claps and a couple of woops. Albus turned around to see his class mates clap. Not only them but some of the second year had come up for their next lesson, including his brother. “me next!” shouted James. James pushed his way threw the crowd to Albus. “me and you next baby brother!”

Albus looked at his brother then at his dad unsure.

“James, leave him alone, he doesn’t have to fight you”

“but I want to duel, can we duel next Dad…I mean Professor”

“James, you know we are doing boggerts next”


“no James”

The bell rang. Albus and went over to his friends as his farther came over

“that was amazing Al, not even I was that good at your age!”

Albus blushed “thanks Dad”

He smiled and walked out with his friends.

“that was amazing Albus!” grinned Amy

“thanks” blushed Albus

“come on, lets go back to the common room” said Scorpius linking hands with Albus.

The five of them walked back to the Slytherin common room.

“ugg Transfiguration homework” sighed Sophie

“what is it?” asked Scorpius

“I have to prefect the spell that turns my cat into a tea pot”

“I blew up my rat doing that” said Kat “stupid thing”

“poor rat” said Albus

At that moment, a barn owl flew in, landing on Scorpius shoulder.

“hey feathers” grinned Scor, taking the letter that was attached to its beak.

“who’s it from?” asked Amy

“my farther”

“what dose he want?” asked Albus

Scorpius opened up the letter “you read it” he said handing it to Kat.

Kat took it and cleared her thought “dear Scorpius, I am glad to hear that you had a good Christmas at the potters. Your mother and I are sorry we weren’t around for the holidays. I was a little surprised to hear that you had a boy friend in Albus Potter. To be honest son, we already knew that you didn’t suppress any interest in girls so we don’t mind the gay part. Lets just hope he’s like his farther. Anyway, I’m coming up to the school on business next week and I would like you to bring Albus to meet me in Hogsmaid. Ill see you next week son, Dad”

“aww grate” sighed Scor laying back,

“your farther cant be that bad” said Albus laying next to him.

“you have no idea, he may say he’s okay with us but really, the idea of a Malfoy and a Potter together makes him mad I bet”

“you don’t know that for sure” said Sophie.

“do” sighed Scor

“well…so what if he dose hate us being together…..he cant do anything about it” said Albus.

Scorpius grinned at him and kissed him making the girls go aww.

“shut up” blushed Albus.

The next day they met Rose in the library. She was already beginning to panic about the up coming exams that wear still 5 months away.

Albus Potter And The Three Heart StonesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon