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The whistle blew. their was a lot of commotion as people began to get off of the train. Albus sat in a carriage with his farther, Draco Malfoy and Scorpius. His farther had been silent all day. He just looked at Albus with a mixture of upset and anger. Draco got up “come on Scorpious, its time we went”

“yes farther” he looked at me and squeezed my hand “don’t forget to write to me Al”

I smiled “I wont….I love you Scor and ill miss you”

We leaned in and we kissed for a long time before finally braking away “ill miss you to” he whispered.

Then, he got up and followed his farther out.

After another minuet in silence, Harry stood up and looked at him. “come on son”

Once we got our bags, he took Albus to the car that was parked outside king cross station.

Albus got into the passenger side and Harry began to dive off in silence. They drove for half an hour before Albus frowned. “Dad…homes the other way….”

“I know Albus”

He looked at him confused “then wear are we going”

He sighed sadly. “your not coming home this summer….your not going back to Hogwarts next year….you wont be coming back until the order find Voldamort’s two sons, your going to be living with Dudley and his wife, she’s a which and there’ll look after you…I’m sorry son, you need to take the heart stones and go into hiding…it’s the only way”

His eyes glazed over. He was being sent away. From my family and my friends….and Scorpius. Oh god, Scor!

Albus looked at his farther and nodded “I understand” he whispered. A single tear rolled down his cheek and landed on his wand.


Well, thats the end of Albus Potter and the three heart stones. i hope you enjoyed it. i'm going to start writeing the sequral in a few days so look out for it. please vote and comment for it guys!

thanks for reading and supporting me!

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