The Beginning

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Disclaimer I don't own HP J. K. Rowling does but I wish I did.

October 31st Godric's Hollow

"Harry! Michael!" a frantic woman with fiery red hair shouted as she burst in to the room.

"Lily wait!" a man with messy black hair shouted as he ran in behind her.

"They're fine?" Lily asked in disbelief as she caught sight of the sleeping twins in their crib.

"No look at this," James said pointing to the scars on both of the twins foreheads. Harry had a lightning scar while Michael had a X shaped scar and Michael's was healing fast.

"Let me see them," a voice said from behind the duo.

Passing the children over to the elder wizard they waited, "it seems like little Micheal here saved himself and little Harry from the killing curse. I can clearly state that Michael is the boy who lived."

"How can you be so sure Albus?" James asked as he looked at his youngest son.

"His scar pulses with light magic while Harry's pulses with dark likely from the effects of the Killing Curse after it was deflected," Albus explained, "since the children's magic levels are still developing." But why is it fading? Why is Michael's light magic fading?

Nodding their heads in agreement Lily and James were about to take their children back from Albus when a frantic duo ran into the room.

"Where is the bastard?!" one of them roared.

"Sirius calm down," the other one shouted.

"Remus is right you need to calm down Padfoot," James said to his friend, "Look Mikey's alright."

"What about Harry?" Remus asked as well.

"He's alright," Lily said handing Harry to Remus.

"Thank goodness they both are alright," Sirius said as he looked around the room, "wait where's wormtail?"

"He's the one who ratted us out," James said and them snickered softly to himself at his own joke.

~ 4 years later~

"Mummy where's Harry?" Michael asked Lily.

"Why do you ask sweetie?" Lily asked.

"I miss him why can't we share a room any more?"

"Sweetie you're the Boy-who-Lived you need your own room," Lily said trying to change the subject.

"Okay," Michael said before standing up and walked out of the room. As soon as he was far from the sitting room where he spoke with his mother he called out, "Bobby!" and a house elf appeared in front of the boy.

"Yes Master Micheal," Bobby said bowing.

"Take me to Harry," Micheal commanded.

"Yes sir please follow me sir," and Bobby lead the way to the attic.

~ 1 year later ~

"Mum where's Harry?" Micheal asked over the noise of the party.

"Oh I sent him to room," Lily answered.

"Why?" Michael asked.

"He tried to take one of your presents," James said pointing to a blue wrapped package in the huge pile of presents before walking off with Lily to greet guests.

Picking up the gift he read the tag it said:'Happy Birthday, Harry! From Remus' so it was for Harry. Quickly Michael left the party and made his way to the attic where his brother resides.

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