Quick Flashback and the Mystery of the Mirror

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I'm finally back I'm apparently not alone cause it seems that I have a bit of depression as well. Don't worry I won't let depression get in the way of updating this story. I know I promised to update sometime during summer vacation last year but I completely blew you guys off sorry. Here's a pretty short chapter for you guys and I know you guys are thinking 'This isn't a short chapter,'well to me it is. This is about a 3,700 word chapter compared to my 5,000 to 6,000 chapters. Any whoo....

SHOUT OUT TO @mariaangle123 for correctly guessing who was who in the prank mentioned in the last chapter and @Lily2Evans for correctly stating who had said the quote.

Remus POV:

I was strolling through the halls of my old home after talking to Severus of course to APOLLOgise for all of the rude pranks I set on him in my years at school back in the days. Then I stopped in my tracks and chuckled to myself, 'looks like Misaki and Harry's puns have finally gotten to me this time,' as I continued walking. I had barely rounded the corner when I heard voices coming from somewhere behind me.

"Look we have to get him now or else it would be too late," the first voice said, which I had identified as James.

"Agreed so where's the map?" the second replied, which turns out to be Sirius.

Smirking I sharpened my hearing by a little bit to hear, who I assumed was James, was trying to find something in their robes. 'Mikey lent them the map well that was going to be trouble for me but thank goodness I can hear them or I would be in deep trouble.'

Acting as if I had never heard a thing they said I continued walking to my desired destination which would be have been outside but the idiot duo attacked me from behind. Swiftly turning around I threw up a protection charm without even drawing my wand.

"Let me guess you want to talk to me?" I asked with a fake smile on my face which turned into a smirk.

"How did you do that?" Sirius asked clearly baffled at my actions, "How did you do that without a wand?"

I chuckled, "Well you can thank Harry and Misaki for that," I said leaning against the wall, "since they love to throw surprise attacks on unsuspecting students and professors all time not to mention the numerous pranks they set up around the school after hours," I paused taking a look at their faces, which displayed various emotions like pride, admiration, and awe, before continuing, "by the way James wipe that look off of your face Harry isn't your son anymore."

"What!" James practically yelled, "of course he is!"

"Not anymore he change his name the day I arrived at Salems meaning he cut off any connection he has with you and Lily so his fundings that you set aside for him are no longer accessible to you."

"Remus knock it off Harry's new name can't be official unless it was authorized by the goblins at Gringotts," Sirius said while his eyes shone with victory that he thought he had.

Laughing I replied, "you think the Headmistress didn't know that?" James and Sirius were shocked at my comeback, "she brought Harry and Miskai to Diagon Alley to get them their wands and make their names official the day after they arrived at the school which would be the day that I left England for good." I took their silence as a sign to continue, "besides he was supposed to graduate form Salems ages ago but wanted to continue to stay in school instead of starting as an assistance to the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher like he wanted to."

The expressions on James and Sirius was like a movie going from one scene to the next first shock, the awe, then back to shock then it repeats.

"Oh and I heard you while chatting with Severus a few minutes ago," I gestured to the hallway behind them before vanishing from their view only to appear behind them like a ninja, "also I would have to say you would need to be a lot more careful if you want to sneak up on me since I'm still a werewolf you know." and I sped out of there leaving two shocked former Gryffindors staring at the spot I stood in against the wall. 'Oops looks like I managed to bruise their egos,' I shrugged, 'all well they deserved it anyway.'

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