Introductions Gone Wrong

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Disclaimer I don't own HP J. K. Rowling does.

PS. This Chapter takes place when Harry and Micheal are in their 4th year at either school.

~ 4 Years Later (Age 14) ~

Lily POV:

"I fear Voldemort is not quite dead," Dumbledore stated as James and I walked through the kitchen door of the Grimmauld Place.

"Is that why you called an emergency meeting Headmaster," McGonagall asked softly but when she saw Dumbledore nod his head her hand flew to her mouth.

"So Michael will have to fight him?" I asked feeling scared, for the first time since the incident almost 10 years ago, for my son.

"Yes but first we must make sure that if he does he can't get to Michael," Dumbledore answered, "but first I heard that you sent Harry away to an orphanage but I fear that the Dark Lord will use him as bait to draw our Savior out of our protection so may I asked where you have sent him?"

"They didn't send him anywhere Harry left home a few years ago good luck finding him," a voice came from the fireplace where a very familiar figure stood.

"Remus my boy where have you been the past four years?" Dumbledore stood up to great him.

"Don't bother coming over I here because I leaving the Order I had enough of this nonsense you're hiding something aren't you Dumbledore?" Remus spat out eyes flashing dangerously, "why are you so interested in Harry now why not 10 years ago? Why now of all time? You all ignored him treated him like nothing I even bet none of you know who Harry is and the only reason he had not run away at a really young age was because of Micheal. Can you all see if you all had treated Harry as fair as Micheal then Harry would have stay and you all wouldn't be in this mess in the first place Harry would never hate any of you or maybe he turned to the dark side but I don't know anymore since I can't find him. I even bet you have never noticed but Harry was the one who taught Micheal wand less magic, Harry was the one who received the letter to the best Wizarding School in the world, Harry who never had wanted to leave his brother to face all of this," Remus gestured to everyone in the room, "by himself but left anyway after he found out that you two," He pointed at James and me, "were going to send him away from his brother and it was all," now Remus was pointing at Dumbledore, "your plans that put us in this mess."

"What about you my boy?" Dumbledore broke the silence.

"I am now teaching at Salems School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry For The Forgotten," Remus snapped and everyone gasped, "where I will be safe from all of this nonsense, where the potions master can create a potion that will nullify my werewolf side completely, and your," Remus once again was pointing at Dumbledore, "meddling don't bother with tracking charms, porkeys, flooing it won't work Salems is protected by a special charm that will repel anyone who enters without a invite or just apparating it won't work unless you are side apparating with some one who has already been to the school," with that Remus stepped into the fireplace, threw down a pinch of floo powder and stated clearly, "Salems School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry," then he was gone.

"I'm going after him," Sirius said standing up and strolling over to the fireplace gabbed a pinch and tried to leave like Remus did but he was thrown out seconds after disappearing coughing.

"What happened?" James rushed over to Sirius.

'Remus is teaching at Salems then I possibly convince him to get Micheal into the school it protected well enough keep the dark lord out right?' I thought to myself.

"I saw the Remus stand there shaking his head before I was shot back here," Sirius explained before coughing really hard.

"I told you didn't I?" Remus said as he stepped out of the fireplace again, "you can't enter without an invite."

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