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I walk along outside with my foster sisters Nami and Nojiko. We greet all of the sweet inhabitants of our precious Cocoyashi Village. Nothing has gone wrong until Nami starts fighting with Nojiko about her clothes. "All done! Look Nami! Isn't it adorable?" Bellemere holds up a plaid overall dress that has a lion on it.

"Everyone knows that's just a sunflower!" Nami complains. "Nojiko's 11, why do I have to wear the clothes that don't fit her anymore?"

"Because you're 10 and we don't have money to buy you any," Bellemere tells her.

"I shouldn't have to! You're not evem my real mother! And Nojiko and Roshunia aren't my sisters! We're not even related by blood!" Nami screams. Bellemere smacks Nami across the room.

"What is it you just said about not being related by blood?!" Bellemere yells with vile hostility. "Blood doesn't matter! You're my girls and I love you as blood!"

"If I was found, it should've been by a rich family!" Nami cries as she runs out into the rain.

"Nojiko, Roshunai! Go get Nami and bring her home. I'm going to make her favorite dinner to apologize."

Nojiko grabs my hand and we both run into the town. "Gen-san! Have you seen Nami-chan?" I yell.

"Roshunai and Nojiko? Did you run away too?" Gen asks us with a laugh. I look at Nami and see that she is crying.

"No, Gen-san. We're here to bring Nami-chan back home. Bellemere said she's sorry and we're gonna have your favorite dinner tonight," Nojiko laughs. Nami runs and hugs us both.

"Ha, yay! Thanks!" Nami says happily. We walk away from Gen's house and hear an outburst.

"PIRATES!! PIRATES!!" I hear Menomaru shout.

"Go, run into the forest! I'll get you when it's safe!" Gen pushes us into the brush. We hear a devastating explosion come from Kokoman Village. I look in its direction and watch as the buildings crumble to dust in unison in a matter of seconds.

"Hey, everything's gonna be alright. I promise," I try to calm the shaken Nami and Nojiko. They start crying. I hush them before we're noticed.

"Give me money! You villagers shall pay for your very souls! 15,000 berries for the adults and 5,000 berries for children EACH! AGHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Those who are unable to pay receive the death penalty!" We hear. I look towards the sea and I am devastated.

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