Chapter 6- Problem in Paris

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Chapter 6

Problem in Paris

“We’re here….I swear that flight took forever” says Emily stretching her legs.

When they got out of the airport the girls wanted to go to the mall, because they were at the city of FASHION. So they had no choice but to go.

“Wow, that’s cute, you look so cool”

“I don’t think it looks that cute”

“Oh, my Gosh look at that one”

“Put it on”


 The voices kept coming from the changing room, it was just a white door, and the little room which was for just one person, but the girls couldn’t wait so they went all at once.

 “Guys come on I think I see something” says Trevor peeking at the door whispering to Zac and Andrew.

 “Why do I want to see them naked?” says Zac annoyed.

 “They’re not naked they’re half” he turns back seeing if Zac was interested, but no “Is that Em with a pink br-” Zac punches him and takes him away from the door.

 “That turned out wrong” he says sobbing his head

 The girls got out the changing room and see Trevor sobbing his head, the girls had new clothes and they all looked so different.

 “What happened to Trevor?” asks Lori

 “Was he peeking?” Aubrey gets mad

 “He brings shame to men” says Andrew and Zac agreeing with him

 They were looking for the guardians at the mall but at the same time having fun. Not one of them in sight, so they had no choice but to give up the mall.

 “What other places do girls visit?” asks Andrew looking at the three of them.

 “Movie Theater” they all screamed

 So they were on their way to the Movie Theater, but there was aproblem, not one of them spoke French, except Aubrey when she asked a friendly man for directions.

 “Wow, you didn’t tell us you spoke French,” said Lori impressed with her performance.

 “Well, my mom’s French so I had to learn obligatory….all those years were worth something” she looks at the sky.

 When they entered, the Theater was enormous, they walked through every hallway, and they couldn’t buy tickets because they spent all their money at the mall.  They were all tired of looking,

 “Lori, your necklace is shining” says Aubrey pointing at the crown.

 “What, yeah, we finally found something” says Lori looking for the guardian.

 They found her; she had long hair in a pony tail, a sandy color, and green eyes.

 “Maybe I should go talk to her” says Aubrey toward Lori looking at her waiting for an answer.

“Oh, yeah, go”

 No one had ever seen Aubrey act like that not even Trevor, they were so impressed, she looked comfortable talking to her, they both laughed and talked and laughed and talked all over repeatedly.  She returns smiling,

 “They split up because Vanessa and Michelle, her teammates had a really big fight and they couldn’t resolve this problem at all. She misses them a lot, she gave me the information we need to find those two, and the directions for her house, oh and her name is Maria”.

 “Great, my dad’s here on Paris, on a business trip he said to meet him at Iffier tower, remember you guys are my classmates from school and we are doing a project, now let’s go” Emily says finishing talking from her cell phone.

 “Her Dad, he must be the arrogant, tux always in business kind of Dad” thought everyone.

 When they got there they met her dad, he was totally the opposite he was nice he was on vacation clothes on a business trip.

 “Hi daddy, this are my classmates Lori, Aubrey, Trevor, Andrew and Zac”, says Emily presenting them to everyone

 Her dad walks up and shakes everyone’s hand when he gets to Zac he gets red

 “It’s really nice to meet you, sir”

 “This is the weird one, right?” her Dad says turning to Emily

 “No, he’s the martial arts kid” laughing with everyone else.

 “Emily you look a little pale, are you feeling okay,” her father asked

 “I’m fine, but I have to talk to you about something,” Emily said looking at her friends.

 The team left to wonder the tower, and Emily stayed with her dad, she explained all about the guardians and her destiny, her dad was a bit shocked but he understood the situation and accepted her quest.  He gave them two cards like keys for the finest hotel in Paris they arrived at the hotel and it was awesome you see the view it had like 3 gigantic pools. And a lot more, they ate there and wanted to rest the place was really big although it was hard because no one knew how to speak French, except Aubrey, it was dark and they wanted to go to the pool, so they went to their rooms and change, Trevor was really exited he was going to see the girls in swimsuits for the first time.

 “Imagine those bodies, the one I want to see most is Emily’s with her martial powers skills it most be incredible”

 “Don’t get riled up; you don’t even know if she has a swimsuit”. Says Zac annoyed kicking him right in the face. 

 When they arrived they see the girls were taking off their dresses and they had swimsuits Aubrey’s had a rosy pink and it wasn’t bikini, Lori’s was a white bikini and Emily’s was a really pretty crystal blue bikini. 

 “See what I told you” says Trevor.

 Andrew and Zac start walking but Trevor stops “Trevor what’s wrong?” Andrew asks

 He was staring at Aubrey “I’ve never seen her this happy”

 “Are you love sick?” asks Andrew

 “No, let’s go!!” he said full of excitement

 They had a blast played water polo, Marco and polo, water guns.  They could not go to the water slides since it was late; they were so happy and finally decided to go to their rooms. The other day they went to find Vanessa she is a model so she was at a studio. They had trouble getting to the studio and entering the studio, they had to sneak in to enter.  There were tons of rooms when finally, Vanessa Runes, they entered quietly, and they see a girl looking at the opposite direction they were facing.  She had medium-length hair.

“Vanessa” Lori called

“Who is there?” she turns around, she had beautiful green eyes

 But they said to her they were Team Red they began to talk about joining the team again and explained why was important for the world for them to stick together.

 “No, I do knot want toh join vem” she says with a French accent.

 “But, we need you guys together think about the fate of the future” says Aubrey.

 “Fine, but just for the fate of the future” she stops talking for ma moment

 “But I don’t know if they want me on the team again, I mean I was the one who started the fight, it vas my fault” she says depress.

 “We don’t know until we try” Aubrey trying to cheer her up.

 “Hey if you have time here’s my phone number, in case you want to go out” Vanessa walks toward Trevor and gives him a piece of paper.  

 “Thanks” he reaches for her hand and takes the paper. Aubrey got so jealous she made it rain that day.

 “Looks like that cheered her up” Emily whispers to Lori

 “Yeah and made the other one jealous” Lori whispered back

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