Chapter 2-Looking for the guardians

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Chapter 2 

Looking for the guardians

Sanosuke left a strange object on the table,

"What's that?" Trevor touched and they suddenly appeared outside a house

"Where are we?" he asked

"At my house" she sounded as clueless as he did

"I think this is a teleport thingy, you know" he started explaining

"Ya think," she said sarcastically.  The crown started to glow they thought the guardian was in the house and started running inside the house, "Mama, do we have visitors?" she ran to the kitchen.

"Oh honey, you can start by saying "I'm home" or something, but no just me and your brothers" she smiled and looks at Trevor

"Oh mom, this is Trevor classmate" she presented him

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Thompson" he smiled greeting her

"As, well" she returned the smile and turned back to what she was doing

They got out the kitchen,

"Look Lori, when we entered your house the shine from the necklace weakened

"Let's go outside.  Mom I have to look for something, be home in a bit," she yelled to her mom

"Okay honey, remember to call," she yelled back

"Kay" she rans with Trevor outside "Let's start walking"

They walked to the corner,

"I don't get it when we where outside it shinned" she looked at the necklace and grabbed it "Now its pitch black"

"Let's not give up, let's just walk the other way" Trevor started walking toward her house again and went the opposite way One house, two, three and the necklace shinned more than ever,  

"Lori, isn't this Andrew Ukerman's house" he asked 

"Um, yeah, I think so" she lowered her voice.  They knocked and Andrew's mom answered

"Excuse me, Mrs. Ukerman, may we see Andrew I left my History book at school and I was hoping he could tell me what pages, were that essay" Lori asked her with a smile

"I'm sorry, but Andrew can't see anyone at the moment, he's, um, sick, yeah sick, well Goodbye have a nice day, tell your Mom I said Hi"

"Tell Andrew to take better care of himself" she said, while Andrew's mother closed the door.

"What are we going to do now" he said giving up

"Never give up that easily" she looked fierce

"Remember not to get you worked up," Trevor sayid to her

She started to climb a tree from her house to his, Trevor started to do the same, at first he fell but he didn't gave up he used his elastic power to pull himself up, Lori knocked on Andrew's window he had no choice but to let them in.

"What are you guys doing, you heard my mom, I'm sick now please go before she comes up stairs"

"Shhh, let me see the weird drawing," she said in a low voice

"How do you know that?"

Lori and Trevor sat on his bed since they didn't had a choice,

"Once there were three protectors in the world the Heart and the Angel and the other name is unknown, because all of them had special powers that controlled the balance of the world, the Heart had the will of a warrior and gave her or him the power of Fire, the Angel could restore light to the world, but the protector unknown didn't had nothing special, because of jealousy the protector unknown became Evil one day and while battling with him the Angel died, and the world became a dark place, from that day on Heart created the guardians so the light could be restored and stronger than it was before, our quest is to protect the heart from the darkness. And every guardian having an element I have fire and Trevor has, well gum, can I unlock your seal?"  

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