Chapter 9

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Claire was tired after a shift of washing fine, Merith china by hand. She relaxed in a chair in the mess hall as she played with the last of her food. Claire had been on the ship for a week now, and was finally feeling comfortable enough to hang out during meal time and watch the news reports that appeared on the huge screen in the crew mess hall.

Her fingers froze as she watched the news reports tonight, however,. The two newscasters were speaking Spo and there was a flickering line of text at the side that she'd realized was Merith subtitles.

“If you missed the story last week, we’re returning to the mystery of the Spo spacestation that unexpectedly exploded several weeks ago. It was orbiting Earth, the human homeworld, and if you’re not sure who the humans are, you’re not alone...Let’s show some of the footage from our newest species.”

Claire watched the report, torn between horror and laughter. The newscasters were Tergre, furry with long ant-eater noses, and apparently they shared the human love of sensational journalism.

“I must say, they’re not very taking things, are they?” Pictures of humans were flashing on the screen, and some of the other crew were looking from the screen to Claire.

“Oh, don’t be harsh. Remember what you said about the Vel thirty years ago?” He tooted through his nose, which Claire gathered was a laugh.

"The humans are at least full of surprises," said the other newscaster. "First they decide to sponsor the Rik, their enemies in the sentience trial, and now they have an unknown saboteur on their space station.”

There was a short video of a male gymnast spinning on a pommel horse and Claire recognized an Olympic symbol in the corner of the screen. How on earth had these Tergre gotten an Olympic recording? They showed a rowing competition next, and then a heavily muscled weight lifter.

“Well, we’re bound to see more of these bold and restless newcomers in the next months. They’ve released a statement that they’ll be handling the investigation themselves, with help from the Spo. They’re either very confident or very ignorant.”

Another Olympic shot: a pole vaulter flying through the air and arching over the bar to land on his back. It looked very primitive all the sudden.

“They seem to be both, my friend. Let's hope their new enemy, whoever it might be, leaves enough of them alive to preserve their... hmm, competitive culture.”

“Speaking of competition, the Diarena will grace the largest underground party in the world with her presence, when she visits Selta on her tour of worlds. She will be performing during the concert week and many expect her to...”

“Those are you, yes? The humans?”

Claire spun around, startled to hear a voice just inches behind her.

It was a Crosspoint alien. Claire remembered them from the few brief months of her training. They were giant slugs and slid along on their bellies, but without any of the slime and mucous of Earthly slugs, thank god. This one's head was about even with her chest.

She had no idea how it moved so smoothly and quietly without any overt display of wriggling or squirming muscles. She instinctively leaned away from its translucent bulges.

“Um, yes. I’m human.”

Claire was fairly certain there were no Crosspoint crew. It was all Merith and Spo that she’d seen, except for her, of course. This Crosspoint must be a passenger then, not crew.

“Ahhh,” he said. “The Human. The Diarena thought I might like to have a conversation with you.” He spoke Spo in a quiet, polite voice. Not the way Spo was usually spoken.

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