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"I can't believe Vincent Mussket gave you his phone number! This could change everything"

"So he just gave it to you like that out of the blue?"

"You have to call him and tell him you'll go to the movies with him"

"Pick a scary movie that way if you get scared you can hang onto him for dear life"

"SHUT UP" I yelled. I was sick of them. We were seated in my room on my bed with a large tub of Ben and Jerry's ice creamed parked in the middle of us. I had just told them the story about Vincent and they literally would not shut up about it. "Yes he gave me his damn number but who cares? It's probably just a prank him and his buddies decided to play on me"

"Lexi I don't think you understand the magnitude of the situation. Vincent is the most popular boy in school, everybody loves and worships him. Now your the least popular girl in the school followed by Mia and then me"

"Hey!" Mia protested

"Hush you, let's keep on topic here. Listen you have to go on a date with him ok? This could boost us to the top and if that happens high school won't be such a living breathing night mare for us. The worst that could happen is that it might be a prank but The best that could happen is its not a prank and he actually likes you"

"But Sam why would he like me? Let's head back to memory lane here and see his dating history. In freshman year he dated Lucy Boxshall for like 2 years who by the way has a modelling career, he dated Jessica Samuels for a few months and she is the schools best dancer and it was rumoured he was seeing Faye Louis who has a frigging boob job and is full of tattoos so please tell me again why he would like me?" After I finished my rant my heart suddenly started hurting, but why?

"Yes ok he may have dated a few pretty faces in the past but that's the past and maybe now his looking for something different, someone different" pffft the only reason she was pursuing this was because Vincent and Blake are best friends and she's seeing this as an opportunity to snag Blake while she has the chance.

"Ok Sam and Mia listen very closely because I'm only saying this once. If you mention Vincent again I will see to it personally that your faces are smashed in with a brick by the end of the night now are we clear?" They both rolled their eyes. Great now even my threats aren't working.

"Ok we won't say another word of it only if you can honestly tell me that you don't want to go to on this date and mean it?" I looked her right in the eyes and immediately starting bawling my eyes out. She quickly wrapped her arms around me

"I don't know what I want Sammy. I mean the guy has never said one word to me in the 6 years that I've know him and suddenly he wants to go on a date with me? I know something's up there has to be"

The whole thing seemed so surreal to me and if it was a prank I don't know if I can cope with it. Years of bullying has really taken a strong hold on me and I'm afraid I'll break at any given chance.

"Alexis, I know it's hard. We've all gone through it and I know how your feeling but girls like us have to take everything we can get. Even if in the end it ends up hurting us. You have to take chances otherwise your left with nothing and that feeling of regret in your stomach not knowing what could've happened" she kisses my forehead and releases me. I quickly wipe at my eyes.

"Your right, your totally right. I need to gamble some to win some. I'll tell him I'll go to the movies with him but if it is a prank and I'm left humiliated you both have to do something embarrassing for me"
I finish the sentence with a evil smirk on my face. But that's just there for show on the inside I'm feeling afraid. Very afraid.

That night the girls stayed over. I lay in the middle of them but I'm not sleeping, no not at all. Sleep is the furthest thing on my mind right now. The one thing running wild on my mind was Vincent Mussket.

The following morning we showered, dressed and headed for school. The girls thought I should tell Vincent face to face that I would like to go to the movies with him but I decided I was too chicken for that and instead went with texting him. I mean he gave me his number for a reason might as well use it.

I texted him the following-

Um hi Vincent. I've decided I would like to go to the movies with you. On one condition my friends come with me. If you still would like to go then I guess I'll see you there.

This is Alexis by the way. The girl who dropped her book in the parking lot.

I defiantly would feel much more confident if my friends were with me. Only problem is they don't exactly know their supposed to be coming.

"WHAT?" They both yelled

"Oh My God Lexi you didn't? Please tell me you didn't?"

"I'm sorry I freaked I had to improvise
Please say you'll go with me? I need you guys with me" They didn't look convinced. I guess I had to pull out the big guns. I showed them my infamous puppy dog face.

"Lexi that is not fair, you know we can't say no to that" Well duh that's the point.

"Ok ok stop it we will come with you. Geez your such a cheat" and you my darlings are push overs. Hehe I got up to walk over to the water fountain on my way there though the worst thing that could happen happened.

"Hey Alexis" I immediately recognised the voice. Vincent.

"Uh uh Hi um what are you doing here?" Deer in headlights look

"Well I got your text, I was thinking since your going to invite your friends I could invite mine?" Oh no, oh no he can't do that. No way! "And I was thinking we could just ditch the movie idea and head straight for bowling?"

"I don't think the bowling ally is big enough for the whole school" He gave a chuckle at that. I wasn't joking

"Actually I was thinking more along the lines of just brining two people. Felix and Blake, you know them right?" I gave a tiny nod. Come Alexis don't chicken out! Just tell him no he can't bring his asshole friends.

"Yeah sure what day do you want to go?" You pathetic little wuss

"Is it cool if we do it after school on Friday? I mean I know Saturday would be more convenient but I have a game on Saturday so Friday's the only good day for me?"

"S sure that's fine. Can we meet you there at say 7?"

"That's perfect. Look I gotta run coach has been having a fit since we lost Brody and his making us train extra hard"

"What happened to Brody?" I had no idea who in the hell Brody was but I just wanted him to stay a little longer. I kinda liked talking to him.

"He got expelled last year for pushing a girl in the school dumpster and leaving her there for hours" OMG! That was me he pushed! I never thought in a million years he would be expelled. No one on the basketball team ever got punished for pulling pranks on students.

"Oh um yeah sad story and all but I have to go. I'll see you on Friday?" I didn't even give him time to reply before I walked away.

This chapter is sorta short but the next one is going to be the triple date?

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