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I stood in front of the mirror admiring how I looked. In my big white wedding dress. Yes I said wedding dress. After Vincent got back from his boot camp we talked things over and decided to start fresh. We started off as friends and worked our way up again. We made new memories good ones, bad ones yes we did still get into arguments about the craziest things but we always came out stronger I mean what couple doesn't have arguments right? And The make up sex was the best.

Once graduation hit we knew college was right around the corner. We both applied for the same collage Stanford and guess what? We both got in! It was the happiest day of our lives. I guess the tables were finally turning.

After we both graduated we took a gap year and traveled around the world together. We did a Euro Trip. We went to Germany, London, Denmark, Scotland, Romania, Italy Greece and lastly Paris. Where he proposed to me cliched I know but so romantic. The ring he gave me was an old expensive looking ring and he told me it was his grandmothers. I felt so special.

After Europe we were going to go to America for a visit but we wanted to get home ASAP and plan our wedding straight away plus I couldn't wait to tell the girls about everything. Once home everyone threw a welcome home party for us and it turns out we weren't the only ones with good news. Leah announced she was pregnant with her first child to Felix. Yes they are still together and Vincent did finally come around.

Mia and Blake broke up before graduation, Mia started seeing another man named James. His her date to the wedding. Blake also found someone named Jacinta whom he was brining to the wedding. Sam met a nice bloke in college and they've been inseparable ever since.

Hector and I still talked from time to time in high school but lost contact shortly after.

"Hello Lexi? You there?"

"Sorry Sam I was just taking stroll down memory lane" She rolled her eyes but there was a smile playing on her lips

"Are you ready to become Mrs Alexis Mussket?" I liked the sound of that.

"I've been ready for a very long time" Her and Mia grabbed my dress from behind and I walked to where the ceremony was being held. I met with my father at the doors that would lead me to my future.

"My baby's all grown up, I just wanted to say me and your mother we are both so proud of you and couldn't have asked for a more better daughter"

"Daddy please your going to make me cry" He kissed my head and then the doors opened. I saw Vincent at the end of the alter wearing a huge smile on his face. I clung to my fathers arm while we walked down the aisle. When we reached the end he kissed my cheek, shook hands with Vincent and took his seat.

"You look absolutely beautiful" He whispered. The priest spoke for quite a while then it was our turns for our vows. I had to read mine first.

"Vincent. You make me the happiest I've ever been in my whole life. I couldn't imagine living without because every time I do it brings tears to my eyes. You came to me when I was at my lowest and bought me to the top. I love you so much because you loved me when I didn't even love my self. I'm the person I am today because of you and I can't thank you enough for that other then loving you with every breath I take and every moment I lay awake" I finished with tears running down my face, my make up was probably ruined but I didn't care. At that moment it just felt like it was me and Vincent alone in the room.

"Alexis I was lost before I met you. I was doing bad things, hurting people and hurting my self. But when I had enough courage to go and ask you out I knew my life would change but for the better. Yes we have had our ups and downs and we've both made mistakes but we have over come those obstacles and proved to the world how much our love can conquer. I stand tall and proud because of you, you bring the light out into me. Not matter how hard I try I will never be able to express how much I love because it's too much. I'm so honoured to have you as my girl I love you" When he finished I noticed a few tears had fallen from
His eyes.

"Do you Alexi Jasmine Rios take this man to be your husband through sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do"

And do you Vincent Thomas Mussket take this women to be your wife through sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" He removed my vail and then he kissed me. Everyone screamed and cheered.  He picked me up and carried me out of the hall and to the awaiting car. I hugged as many people as I could before jumping into the car.

My name is Alexis Mussket and this was my journey of love.

I know this was really short and I'm sorry but my arm was starting to hurt and I had a headache but I hope you enjoyed that.

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