The date

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I stood in front of my mirror, admiring Mia's handy work. I had to give it to her. She is a miracle worker if she could turn me a usually 3 to a 7 in only 20 minutes to spare before the date,  if you could even call it that.

The whole week I was dreading and looking forward to this day. Friday. The day of my first date with a boy.

My usual attire that consisted of baggy sweaters and loose jeans was transformed with a pair of black skinny jeans, an all over sequin front top and my black vans. My hair was down, straightened but wavy at the bottom.

Unfortunately Samantha canceled on us last minute because of a family issue that needed to be taken care of.  So left with no ride me and Mia are resorting to catching public transportation. We had to leave extra early because with busses you can't tell if their going to be late or not and we don't want to take any chances.

"Ok missy you've looked at your self like a million times. You look fabulous now move the hell over so I can at least have two seconds to look at mwah" Mia was done up nicely in a nice pair of Red tight leggings and a black singlet and cardigan with her black leather boots. Her makeup looked perfected so much so that it looked like a professional had done it.

I didn't believe in make- up, I was more the natural one out of us three. Those other two always had to wear it.

"Ok hurry up the bus is scheduled to get there at 6:00 it's 5:39 and we haven't even begun walking to the bus stop yet!" I know I was the one who took her time but we really had to get a move on.

"Sorry I'm ready lets go" we made it just in the nick of time. It took us 40 minutes to get to our destination and we still had to walk a few blocks till we got to the bowling ally. I swear if this was a prank and we went through all that for nothing then I was really going to be pissed and the only thing that would calm me down would be a uppercut to Vincent's handsome face.

We got to the bowling ally at 7:05. As soon as we got there it was full of people from our high school. My nerves we're getting out of control. I didn't spot Vincent or Blake yet. My heart was beating so fast. Oh shit I knew I shouldn't have come! I'm so stupid, I knew it was too good to be true. I turn around and BOOM smack right into Vincent. Spilling his drink all over his Nike jumper.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I quickly run to go and get napkins but when I come back Vincent isn't wearing the jumper any more. His wearing a plain black shirt and God he looked good. So good it should be illegal for him to be this sexy.

I noticed a few things about him that I haven't noticed before.
Firstly was his bulging muscles and secondly the tattoos running up his "I am really really sorry" I say sincerely

"It's fine, that jumper was old anyway. I guess it was gods way of saying get rid of it" he gave me a heart warming smile and I felt my knees getting weaker just looking at him.

"Um my friend Samantha couldn't make it today she wasn't feeling too well"

"That's funny because my friend Felix couldn't make it today either. It all works out"

"I guess it does" I say with a small giggle and a smile on my lips

" You should smile more often it defiantly suits you" my cheeks instantly heat up at his comment. No body of the opposite sex has ever said something like that to me. It feels nice. We hear a throat being cleared besides us and my face heats up once again.

Blake is standing there looking uncomfortable as hell. Blake was a few inches shorter then Vincent with dark blonde hair, what I'm sure are green eyes and only had one tattoo that I can see of on his forearm and he had stretches in his ears

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