When I Met Her

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Karlheinz P.O.V
I stood there on the balcony looking up into the stars,"there's no way my project will work with my useless sons and step sons","Believe." I turn around to see a woman with golden curly hair and honey coloured eyes, they were glowing, I knew she wasn't no ordinary vampire, I was interested."So you can read my mind, what kind of vampire are you exactly?" I smirked, but her reply astonished me."I am a vampire goddess, I just came down here to check up on the vampire king's work and I can see that you have no faith in your sons, if you had someone there to properly raise them then they should be actually obeying your orders." She says still having that sweet smile on her face, she interest me."What's your name vampire goddess?""My name is Mami, Mami Akuma.""Demon huh?""Oh come now I don't act like a demon I just have my diseased father's last name.""Heheh, I guess you could do, I want you to be my son's new mother." I say, her smile is still plastered on she wasn't fazed by it at all."That's fine with me, as long as I get to take care of my new sweet darlings~" She surprised me, I walk up to her putting one of my arms around her waist and the other hand to her cheek. She was beautiful and smelled so sweet, I came closer to her lips and kissed them, they were sweet, I came down to her neck and bit her, she moaned in sweet ecstacy, her blood was as sweet as sugar, her blood was too extravagant I couldn't help myself. After 3 gulps she smiles which made my undead heart pound."Maybe I have finally found love.""I think you have." She answered my question in my head, I smiled a smile I never smiled before. I felt real happiness.

So do you guys like this because I really wanted to make something different because I couldn't find any fanfictions with the Sakamkis having a new mother so I tried doing it my self. I guess it's not that bad but I am 13 so it should be written like a 13 year old wrote it. Anyways hope you like my first chapter!

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