The Wedding

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At The Wedding
The Sakamkis and Mukamis went to the wedding only to see Karlheinz to greet them,"I can see you've all decided to finally accept her as your mother, she's in the castle getting ready, she said it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding, maybe you can see her for me.""Yes father.""Yes Karlheinz-sama.""Ruki you can call me father now, but your last name will stay the same alright.""Yes Kar-father.""Good now go on and meet your new mother." Karlheinz walks off to greet other guest and Ritcher (Yui is not in this so Ritcher is still alive mind you that he's a bastard). The boys went into the castle to the place where Mami is for now.*knock knock*."Come in."*creak*."Oh hello everyone, I'm so glad you all came!" Mami said running towards them in her beautiful white wedding gown."Congratulations mother, we wish you luck." Reiji said as all of them smiled. Mami had a wide smile, happy that they called her mother,"I'm so happy to be your mother, when I was your ages I would always be the mother around all my friends, and even now my co-workers would call me mother and right here right now I am a mother to you all!" Suddenly a woman walked in with golden hair like Mami but a bit whiter."I'm so happy for my dear is finally getting married! Oh and are these young handsome gentlemen are my grandsons it feels like I'm getting old!""Heheh mother you are old.""Oh nonsense, I'm as fit and healthy as you could ever be!""Mother your a five thousand years old how could you say your young."" Heheh I guess you're right about my age.""Oh, everyone sorry for not introducing her, she's my mother and your grandmother, Tomoe Akuma.""Hello my dear grandsons!""It's nice to meet you Miss Akuma""Oh come now Reiji, you can call me grandmother.""R-right, grandmother, wait how did you know my name?""Oh my new son Karlheinz told me all about you all, he was right you all look like your father, Mami dear you'll treat them the same as you treat your older brothers right, they always thought of you as their own mother when I'm not around, you always took care of your family, and I expect you to do that to your family as well, I will release you from the chains of your old family and chain you to your new family but you will never forget us right?""Of course not mother, you all were so important in my life I could never forget all of you. Thank you for everything!" Mami starts tearing up, Tomoe comes to hug her,"Come now child, you might ruin your make up.""Heheh yes mother.""We'll be outside now, we'll be waiting for the ceremony to start-""Plus I want some Takoyaki.""Alright boys, see you all out there." The boys exited the castle to the back garden where the festivities are being held."Our new mother is really something." Kanato says cuddling his teddy bear."She really seems like the best mother we could ever have, even her mum is like her." Laito says tilting his hat."She's five thousand years old and she doesn't mind the fact that she's, well old. Most women I've met would freak if they tried to impress boys at parties." Kou would know these stuff."I guess, probably she is committed to someone, did you see the ring on her finger, it was a symbol of Yang." Ayato saw the ring that Tomoe had."So possibly the husband has the other which is Yin." Reiji says with interest in his tone. The people start to gather were the wedding arch is, probably because the ceremony is about to start. The brothers sat at the front to the left, the other side there was another 10 gentlemen along with Ritcher, probably Mami's older brothers that Tomoe said about. There was an extra seat next to a boy with blue hair, an unusual colour. Soon the ceremony starts, Mami and Tomoe walk down the isle, eyes on Mami. It came to a point where Tomoe would stop and take her seat, next to the guy with blue hair. Mami came to the arch beside Karlheinz, they looked at each other and smiled. The ceremony shall commence."Do you dearly beloveds accept each others love?""I do.""I do.""Then now I will pronounce, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." A happily ever after for the two, they kissed and were congratulated for being newly weds. The brothers were happy for they have a new and improved mother. Mami whispers something in Karlheinz ear, he nods and Mami walks to the stage."Hello everybody I'll be preforming a song with my BFFs and my mum.(The video)
The song finishes and everyone aplauds.

After The Wedding
The day ends and everyones gone home except for the family members. Mami introduces her brothers to her sons and husband.(they are like the opposites of the brothers I'm just making up names bare with me) Looks like the blue haired dude was the oldest out of them, his name was Shion, the next had dark pink hair, his name was Rouge, then there was two green haired dudes, their names were Lokie and Amata, next was a purple head dude that was named Kaito, then there's a red head, Scourge. There were other four one with blue-ish, grey-ish hair named Ray, next was a multi coloured  of red and blue named Keith, there was a brown haired dude name Yamoto, then finally a guy with grey hair was named Alacard. They were all the older siblings of Mami, they all congratulated her and her new husband and family. They said their goodbyes, and with that they left. The boys and Ritcher left as well. Karlheinz told the boys that their mother will be living with them the next day after tomorrow because they still had school tomorrow so they would welcome her on saturday. For now they enjoy the peace of each others love and warmth.

Ok this was pretty sh*t I think. Let me know cause I think I was just babbling on in my own storry. Oh, wait, I AM Making my own story whoops, well comment if you liked it, it's pretty sh*t considerately because it was made by a 13 year old mind you. Anyways I'm just crazy. See ya on Saturday. The fanfiction world Saturday not the actual Saturday. See ya in the next chapter. Oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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