Meeting The Household

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Third person
Karlheinz and Mami decided to get married the day after they went to the brother's mansion. Karlheinz contacted Ruki to bring all their stuff to the Sakamaki mansion, he then contacted Reiji that the Mukamis will be coming over and that he'll explain everything there. At the mansion was a glare war starting from Ayato insulting Ruki, Laito just sitting there smirking, Subaru trying to shut up Kou, Kanato insulting Azusa while inflicting pain on him, Yuma yelling at Shu and Reiji trying to silence all of them.
Ayato:"Go back home book worm!"
Ruki:"I don't think so Takoyaki lover, just shut up and wait for Karlheinz-sama."
Kou:"Subaru-kun~ come on stop being a tsundere~"
Subaru:"Shut up, you're so annoying!*punches wall*"
Kanato:"Go away, go back where you came from you're an eyesore!*throws knives cutting Azusa's arm*"
Azusa:"Heheh, inflict...more creep."
Yuma:"Get up Neet and fight me!"
Reiji:"Silence, you are a disgrace."
Yuma:"Shut up pigeon head!"
Shu:"So annoying *zzzzz*"
A butler comes in making the brothers stop. He told the brothers that Karlheinz will be coming in 5 minutes to explain what's going on.
5 minutes later
Karlheinz comes in with a woman beside him holding onto his arm."Hello father, what's the meaning of this and why did you call them here?""Well Reiji they are here because they're gonna be permanent residents to this house from now on." The boys couldn't believe their ears, were their father serious about his decision."And who exactly is this melon beside you?" Ayato asks pointing at Mami. Karlheinz glared at Ayato and was gonna stand up to punish him when Mami put a hand on his shoulder and smiled, saying it's alright."This is Miss Akuma or should I say Mrs. Sakamaki. She will be your new mother and adoptive mother. There will be no argument, the day of the wedding is tomorrow, you can try and complain but none of you can disagree.""What!" The boys were even more shocked, they didn't want another b*tch in the household. Mami could hear what they were thinking and understood them and spoke,"I can understand if you don't appreciate having a new mother, but I can assure that I am not like those women, I'll be a nice mother who actually cares for their children, I promise to take care of all of you well.""Like hell we'll believe that!" Ayato yells, glaring at Mami, but Mami had an Idea to cheer him up,"Why don't I make your favourite foods tonight, it'll be my pleasure and I can start to know you all better, you can judge my food and tell me what bits I need to fix in, will that be all right?" She says smiling, the boys look at her. She was staring directly at Ayato waiting for an answer. Ayato saw her looking directly at him, he knew she was waiting for an answer, plus he couldn't help the thought of Takoyaki,".....Fine." Mami smiles at this and the brothers felt a warmth aura around her, she may not be that bad.
At Dinner
Everyone was gathered in the dining room that was filled with their favourite food. The boys were still on their guard just in case she tried to poison them. She just giggled that they thought that and assured them that the food wasn't poisonous and she proved that by eating her favourite cheese cake. The boys just started nibbling a bit and before ya knew it everyone was chomping down on their favourite food. Mami smiled at this and calmly sipped her tea. After everyone had finished they had a few comments on her food."That was the best Takoyaki I have ever tasted, you'll be ore-sama's personal chief!""Your cooking was extravagant, there are no words to describe it better, maybe you could teach me.""Yes teach me as well.""Heheh alright it will be my pleasure to." Mami smiles, Karlheinz knew that the wedding would go smoothly without interruptions. The night goes on until it was time for them to leave."Good bye boys I'll see you all at the wedding ok." Mami said kissing all of them on the forehead. They all had blushes on their faces but smiled as they waved good bye to their new mother/ adoptive mother.
At The Sakamaki Mansion
"So what do you guys think of her?" Reiji asked the rest."Hhmm, she may not be that bad, I think we should at least try to accept her as our mother, Mami-san seems like a really nice person and she didn't try to poison the food." Laito says giving a point." Maybe you're right for once, she actually kissed a filth like me." Subaru said brooding. The boys had all finally agreed to accept her a little, some were still not certain to trust her. They will meet again at the wedding tomorrow.

This took me a whole day to think of something and put it down on the screen hope you liked chapter 2!

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