A True Jedi

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It all started when the clones found out about how my master, Mex Gundi, was hiding rations from them. They were furious. Commander Carth and his troopers never trusted him. Hated being under his command. Neither did I. My master had never been a good Jedi. He was strong with the force, yes, but he wasn't a Jedi in the ways that counted, being selfless and compassionate and wise. He had taught me many things but perhaps his greatest lesson was, how not to be like him. I never thought it would go as far as embezzlement or stealing, it's not the Jedi way. But as I said before he's not a Jedi. Not a good one at least. So when the clones found out. the other Jedi with him, Aayla Secura, sympathized with me. The escort ship arrived they arrested my master and took him back to coruscant to be out on Trial. Aayla let me stay with her the night. My friend, Kernan, used to have feelings for Secura, but he soon realized that Jedi cannot form attachments. I'm just a Padawan however, maybe if I had a different master I would be a knight. Kernan said that a master and apprentice form this bond that cannot be broken. Well I never had that with Mex. He was so cold and harsh some people didn't believe him to be human but just... Droid. Lifeless. Aayla was better she was kind. I wish she took on an apprentice I would've liked to work with her. Maybe I was to become her apprentice, now that I don't have one maybe things would get better. 

 That was until the next day came and everything changed and everything and everyone I loved would be ripped away. Forever.

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