The Smuggler

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"Hey Kid, thanks for not getting me Followed!" Trezz yelled sarcastically, "See this is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I told you not to get me involved with the Empire anymore."

"Empire?" Tinker asked.

"Yes haven't you heard. The republics been discontinued  and the Jedi are traitors.. Blah... Blah... Blah. Tell 'em Beezee."

With a few high pitched beeps a holo recording popped out of the tall green astromech. The luminescent blue filled the room.

Rath and Tinker watched as a wrinkled man in red stood infront of the senate. "......The republic will be reorganized into the first galactic empire!" Said the man.

"What happened to the chancellor?" Tinker asked.

"Got attacked by some Jedi." Answered Trezz, "Honestly I don't care much for politics."

"All lies." I said.

"What'd you say kid?"

Tinker gave me a look and I closed my mouth. 

"That's what I thought, you don't want me to turn you in to the empire don't ya?" Trezz said.

Both of us looked at each other. BZ beeped loudly. "I know Beezee, I know." He looked back at us, "Eh don't worry I won't turn you two in. They'd probably just kill me anyway." He muttered.

Rath turned to the droid. "This droid where did you get him? He seems like republic." I asked.

"Well you see he is. Well not anymore. I guess Beezee was working on an undercover mission with the republic and one thing led to another and he got thrown out an airlock with a bunch of blasted buzz droids. Until a while back I found him in a heap of scraps in one of the floating junk piles. So I fixed him up and he told me his story. His commander took out his memory banks and replaced it with his miniature command center. So all I had to do was replace that and here I have somewhat of a co-pilot. Ain't that right Beezee!"

BZ beeped back.

"Well I guess this droids somewhat a hero." Tinker stated. BZ beeped again with pride.

"I guess so." Replied Trezz.

I walked to the back of the ship. Tinker followed.

"Tinker I need to meditate." 

"Rath it's been a long few days for both of us. I mean this guy seems trustable. His droids pretty cool. I-"

"Tinker, all my friends are dead. Everyone I've never known is dead. Kernan, Aayla, and everyone is dead. And now they're being branded as traitors." He sighed and dug his face into the left Palm,"The  man I've despised for the last 3 years of my life is most likely dead, Tinker."

He stared at me. "You think it's any better I still trying to get over the fact my brothers the ones I've trusted with my unquestionable loyalty have betrayed the people I've been sworn to serve and for what ever reason I can't go with them! I had to except that yo and everyone abandoned me without a second thought when I fell into that chasm!" 

"No Tinker it was-"

"No!" Tinker yelled, "No Rath." He walked away.


"Rath! Rath! The clones!"

"Rath! Help me please!"

"Rath! Go! It's to late!"


I awake from my vision. All I saw were faces. Faces of dead people. Old friends long gone. The visions get worse. I see detailed pictures of the "emperor" and of Carth destroying the Jedi. But this time the force as telling me something more. Of of Mex. He was in between the Jedi and the Sith.  He was-

My comlink beeped.

"Rath?" No it's His voice. "Ah so it is you. Listen to me closely Rath. The empire is killing the Jedi the clones turned against us. Whatever I've done you have to forgive me. This is important stay away from coruscant they want you to come here. They want to kill the Jedi. The temple has been burned down and the Jedi massacred. The clones they had held me prisoner and they came to kill me but I escaped. You have no reason to trust me, Rath. But somethings are more important than yourself." Mex's transmission cut out.

I know what I must do. Regardless of what my master had been. I felt it now that he was speaking the truth. But I have to find out for myself. I can handle what I see. I need to be sure. I needto find them. I could sense a glowing essence of the force on coruscant. Some Jedi are down their and it's not just Mex. 

I could hear Trezz in the cockpit yell, "We're here."

I ran up to the cockpit Tinker, BZ and Trezz were preparing to make their landing. 

"Unidentifiable, Sorusub Yacht 3000. State your name and business or you will be shot down" Said a clone. 

"Relax Relax. Sending clearance codes now." Trezz said. There was a long pause.

"Your codes check out. Move along." The clone ended the transmission.

"See kid nothing to worry about, entering coruscant is about as easy as skinning a nerf."

"Beep Bop"

"Yea Beezee, you haven't been here for a while have ya?" Trezz said. 

I spoke up. "I have some business to attend to be ready to take off when I return."

"Hey I ain't some get-away-driver. I've got my own issues. I'm gonna try and get everything I can off this place before the imperials start sweeping the lower levels," muttered Trezz, "I can take the clone with me." 

"Sure Trezz. I'm sure Rath can survive just as good on his own." He was answering Trezz just as much as he was retorting me.

"I will need you droid Beezee. He might come in handy." I said.

"Alright I guess it's settled." Trezz said as the ship landed. "Now kid don't lead the empire back to me and my ship alright?"

"I won't." I ran off with BZ. But not before I could hear Trezz say,

"Watch your wallets, and don't get swindled!" 

"Now to find the lost Jedi." I whisper.

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