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Through Hyperspace...

"What's you plan." Asked Tinker.

"Honestly" I reply.

"No lie to me" He joked.

"Can this ship cloak?" I ponder.

"No... Not unless we have it modified. But that would require a stop at some repair station."

"Ok at there any on the way?" 


"Any in the sector?" I persist.

"No" he says.

"Any,  Anywhere?"

"Ha! Lemme check......Yes there's one in the atmosphere of Jakku. But that's days out of our way."

"I don't know how much time we have Kernan could be in trouble." 

"One of your Jedi friends right?"

"Yes and if I got attacked, who knows how many Jedi were in the temple." That thought shook me more than I thought it would. The only place I knew. My home. Is destroyed. There was a pause between us.

"Set course for Jakku." I replied. Thoughts raced through my head until I was forced to go to the back and lie down. My life was gone. 

Little did they know beeming in the back of their ship, was a republic tracker. 


The clone didn't know how the commander would react. Would he be happy or determined or downright mad. Probably the last one. 

The clone trooper trotted up to the infirmary. And entered into where Bly was being treated.

"Sir I have very good news!"

"Have you notified The Emperor that I will not be on schedule?"

"Yes sir. But the ship that was stolen last night. By the rogue trooper and the Jedi. Luckily all republic ships are tracked and its been found. It was set for coruscant but it's changed course and it seems to be heading for the far outer rim. To a desert planet called Jakku."

"Good Work. The Jedi will pay for their treachery and so will this clone. Continue to track it and send every ship after them. Ah my head! Droid! Tell Carth the news!" 

"Yes sir." The clone replied, and he left to carry out orders.


My dreams continue to get worse. The temple Palpatine murdering the Jedi with the help of the clones and Mex was there to he was just standing there watching both sides and laughing. He seemed almost identical to Palpatine. And the dream changed of Tinker.

I instantly awoke. It was to much and I walked out into the cockpit. 

"Tinker, how many more parsecs?"

He turned to me. "Not to many more Rath." He replied solemnly.

Something wasn't right.

Tinkers comm beeped. "Sorry Rath" He said. 

"Tinker Execute Order 66."

His face changed. And he replied, "Yes me lord. Kill the Jedi."

The hologram faded out and before it left I had known that I had seem Palpatine.

"No Tinker don't do it!" I pleaded.

"It's to late. It is my masters command. Good Soldiers Follow Orders." He pulled up his gun and...

Order 66जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें