Funny got into a fight

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* in the room at midnight*

" damn it I was hoping you weren't awake" said funny while walking in

"Ok what did I you do" I asked

" some guys tried to mug me so I punched em then he slashed my face 4 times can you help me with these"said funny

" yeah go into the bathroom and this is why you never go alone" I said

" ow" said funny

" try to stay still so what were  doing anyways" I asked

" I went to get something to drink and I thought that I would be ok alone" said funny

"Hold this against your check it will stop the bleeding and you went out at 11 at night" I said

"And he took my beer too" said funny

" you know that Charlie has some right?" I said

" really...damn" said funny

" ok I'm done for your sake and mine try not to get in a fight again" I said

" ok thanks" said funny

" no problem if you don't mind I'm going to sleep" I said while walking over to my bed

"ok,im gonna go get some beer from charlie"said funny

"ok dad goodnight" i said

*3 hours later*

"knock knock knock"

" i got it and your not here" i said to my self

"hi scene kid"said charlie drunk

"charlie your drunk" i said

"wheres funny...WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM"yelled drunk charlie while lunging at me

"damn it charlie" i said while punching him

"you wanna fight ill fight" said charlie then puched me

"CHARLIE GET THE HELL OFF SKY"said funny while pulling him off of me

"ow thanks dad" i said then fell to the floor grabbing my rib cage

"illl take em back just stay here and lay in bed"said funny

*at j,charlie and kurlzz room*

"knock knock knock"

"no no no man i need to go protect sky there was a person with blue hair in there i  need to go protect her" said charlie

"sky has blue hair stupid"said funny

"hi..ok what happened"said j while opening the door

"i didnt do anything i tried to protect sky"said drunk charlie

"ok what the hell happened"said kurlzz while sitting up

"when i walked in charlie was fighting sky but sky looked like she wasnt fighting back"said funny

*i limp in*

"dad" i said struggleing

"sky" said kurlzz while getting up

"is charlie ok"i asked then fell to the floor

"hes fine but you dont look ok"said j

"ok come on" said funny while picking me up

"ow" i said

*back in mine and funnys room*

"ok so what happened"asked funny while putting me in the my  bed

"ok so charlie knocked and then when i opened the door the said 'hi scene kid' then came in then started to fight me but i didnt fight back hes family i dont want to fight family was he drunk?" i said

"he was really drunk plus he was not used to your blue hair so he thought you were an evil version or something of you old self"said funny

"oh" i said

"you hurt" asked funny

"i think i hurt my leg and i have a missing rib and i think he punched my exposed lung" i said

"let me see your leg"said funny

"ok" i said while pulling up my pant leg

"its not broken,but you might limp for a day or two and for your lung"said funny

"my lung will be fine" i said

"go to sleep"said funny

"goodnight dad"

"goodnight "said funny

*that morning*

"knock knock knock"

"i got it"said funny

"hi "said charlie

"hi" said danny

"come in guys"said funnny while opening the door

"hey guys" i said while getting up

"your limping what happend"asked danny

"charlies drunk self came here and fought me and me punched my exposed lung and almost broke my leg" i said

"sorry kiddo"said charlie

"hes done worse"said danny

" johnny went out and got food and we bought your guys food" said charlie

"thanks"said funny

"hey charlie" i said as they were leaveing

"yeah"said charlie

"can you tell kurlzz imm doing ok hes been calling me all morning" i said

"sure"said charlie while hes leaveing

"bye"said danny

adopted by Hollywood undeadHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin