Got a day off

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*at midnight and I'm on the roof*

" hey sky" said Johnny while sitting next to me

" hi" I said

" cool view huh?" Said Johnny 

" yeah how's kurlzz doing with the whole thing that happened a couple of nights ago?" I asked

" yeah him and funny are torn up I know the feeling" said Johnny

" yeah" I said  while laying down

" wanna hear a story?" Asked Johnny while laying next to me

" sure" I said

" ok so a week before we adopted you I found a  sucide note from kurlzz and when I read it I went to look for him and he was hanging with belts around his neck in the back of the tour bus and like probably 3 days after we adopted you kurlzz started to get better" said Johnny

" oh do you still have the note?" I asked

" yeah I'll go get it" said Johnny while getting up

" ok" I said

*5 minutes later*

" here ya go" said Johnny while handing me the note

" guys I can't do this anymore I have no family alive, you'll be fine without me I just ask that you keep going on with out me I'm miserable I'm sick of trying to go on if you find anyone from my family please adopt them goodbye forever" read the note

" God damn it" I said wiping my tears away

" you saved him" said Johnny

" and he saved me" I said

" it's getting late you better go to bed" said Johnny

" ok Johnny" I said going in the house through my window

" goodnight sky" said Johnny

" goodnight" I said pulling my blanket over my head 

* in the middle of the night*

" ring ring"

" sup Mike" I said

" suit up I'm there in 5" said Mike

" ok" I said than hung up

* in mikes cop car*

" what the mission this time?" I asked

" sorry for take off you on your day off and some broke into a house get ready" said Mike

" ok let's do this" I said putting my vest on

" all right let's go kick some a*s" said Mike

" I got the back" I said

" ok I check here" said Mike

* in the childs room*

" don't hurt me" said a little girl

" in not gonna hurt you I'm with the police I'm here to help you" I said

" ok is my mom ok?" Asked the girl

"I got em" yelled Mike

" ok" I said

" are we ok?" Asked the little girl

" I thinks so but put this on just in case" I said taking off my vest

" ok" Said the little girl while putting on my vest

" here's let's go find your mom" I said picking her up

* in the moms room*

" mommy" said the girl

" ma'am in officer Skylar with the LAPD your ok to come out now" I said handing the lady her daughter

Here's your vest back and thank you" said the mother

" no problem" I said then walked off

" ok James took em away I'll take you home" said Mike while getting in the car

" alright let's go" I said getting in

*the next morning*

" what the oh hi Charlie" I said with my gun on my stomach

" what are you doing with your gun?" Asked Charlie concerned

" oh I had a job at last night and I feel asleep right as I got home" I said

" oh are the people ok?" Asked Charlie

" yeah their fine" I said putting my gun away

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