Tour of da bus

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" knock knock knock"

" oh come in" said Charlie to the camera

" so here's the front not very interesting" said Charlie while kurlzz was getting a cookie

" hi welcome aboard mine,sky and the guys home for the next 2months and a half" said kurlzz while closing the cabinet

" show em the apple thing" said j

" ok so a certain Skylar scene is obsessed with apples" said kurlzz while opening the door

" look at this a row of Apples that we got earlier this week and she almost ate them all" said Charlie then closed the door

" this is the kitchen it's pretty normal we got beer.a lot of apples,cookies,bread you know the usual stuff" said Charlie

"Beer" said kurlzz

"Yeah a lot of beer" said Charlie

" and these are the bunks this is mine" said Charlie while showing his bunk

" Charlie's smells like dog crap" said j while walking back

" that Rock n' Roll learn it" said Charlie

" that's kurlzz" said Charlie while pointing to the top bunk

"The top bunk sucks beacuse if the driver take a sharp turn your butts on the floor" said Johnny from his bunk

" yeah it sucks" said Charlie

" you got the front, the bunks the bathroom isn't important now the back" said Charlie

" funny and sky fell asleep ok" said Charlie

" you two wake up" said kurlzz then hit funny

" oh hi" said funny

" hey Charlie did you show them the bunks?" I asked getting up

" yeah but not yours"said Charlie

" hey come here" I said to the camera

"Her bunk always smells like apples" said kurlzz

"Here's my bunk not interesting" I said

"Rawr" said j then wrapped his arms around my waist

" what the really j" I said looking at his hands

"Freaking J-dog" said Charlie

" hi" said kurlzz while getting out of his bunk

" here's my best friend" I said holding up my knife

" I'm not?" Said j

" fine your my best friend j" I said

" ok that's better" said j

*at 7pm*

" hey j can you do me a favor?" I asked

" sure what is it?" Asked j

" can you write Hollywood on one arm and undead on the other?" I asked

" sure" said j

" here's a sharpie" I said

" j what are doing to sky?" Asked Johnny

" he's writing Hollywood one one arm and undead on the other" I said

"Neat" said Johnny

"And here's the back and whatever j and sky are doing" said Charlie to the camera

*at the end of the tour of da bus and at 8pm*

" we got a show hurry up" said kurlzz while I was taking a shower

" I'm done" I said walking out dressed and putting my hair

" by the way it's 70 out" said Danny

" thanks,kurlzz get out I gotta change" I said

"Fine" said kurlzz while walking out

*on the stage*

" undead" said Charlie

* at Johnnys part*

" I got HU tatted on the front of my arms" rapped Johnny while I shows the front of my arms

*at Charlie's part and I'm in the crowd*

" I'm getting used to this nuisance of fa*s who badmouth this music
How fu*king stupid and foolish of you to think you can do this"rapped Charlie

You cowards can't, you never will, don't even try to pursue it
I took the chance, I paid the bill, I nearly died for this music" I rapped

"You make me wanna run around pulling my guns out and shit
You're tempting me to run my mouth and call you out on this, bitch
How ignorant you gotta be to believe any of this You need to slit your wrists, get pissed, and go jump off a bridge" rapped Charlie

"What? You can't see the sarcasm in the verses I spit?
What? You think I just got lucky, didn't work for this sh*t?" I rapped

"Bitch, I've been working at this ever since I was a kid
I played a million empty shows to only family and friends" rapped Charlie while I jump on stage

"What kind of person would diss a band that deserves to get big?" I rapped

I'd hate to be that person when my verse comes out their kid's lips
That shit's as worse as it gets" rapped Charlie while pointing at me

"this verse is over, I quit" I said

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