A Saucerful of Floyd Part 4: The Rest of The Crew

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Chapter 3:

We walked through the campground and to a small stage that was on the south side of a big open space, there were three other boys I faintly recognized messing with equipment on the stage. One was wearing a leather jacket with a lot of fringe. When we walked up a few girls that were standing on the edge of the stage gawking at the boys, had scattered, they looking back over their shoulders at me, glaring. David led me to the boy who was crouched over a bass guitar, he seemed to be listening to it as if to try and tune it. He turned and got up to face us, he stood a good three or four inches above me- he had a powerful presence. "Syd, where have you been?" he asked. His voice surprised me, it was lighter than David's. But more harsh and commanding than Syd's, It didn't match his hard features and long tall body type, he was wearing a black teeshirt and pants that made his legs look like tooth picks. His hair was less wavy and shorter than David's, but he could still put it behind his ear. He didn't notice me at first. I looked over to the drum kit and to another guy with wavy/curly hair and a mustache. He was wearing jeans and a black long sleeve shirt with a rainbow on the left sleeve, he looked over to me and waved slightly, I waved back.

The taller boy turned to us and looked me over, David had moved closer to me by that time. "Hello, I'm Roger" he said, but he sounded like I should've already known that. I shook his hand and David turned and waved another boy over to us, I noticed Roger had looked me over once more. I shifted my weight to my left foot, unconsciously shifting myself closer to David. His head appeared behind an elaborate keyboard set, he stood up and walked over to us, almost beaming- quite the contrast to the other, more somber members. It was the boy with the fringe, he had light brown pants on with a white shirt and a brown leather jacket. He had almost fluffy hair and a cute little smile. "hi there!" he said, he was absolutely adorable. "I'm Richard" the boy said shaking my hand. Syd had started to walk off by this point. "Oh no you don't Syd! We have to play in an hour and a half" The boy with the butterfly sleeve called to him, walking over to the spot on the stage where we all gathered. "That's Nick" Roger said, leaning in as if it was a secret. It was obvious he thought of himself as a leader.



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