A Saucerful of Floyd Part 6: Tea

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We walked into the small building, still no sign of David. I looked around, the building was just one big rectangle, an empty room, there was two large couches on the two long walls of the room, a long coffee table in between the two. A shorter wall contained a two seat couch with two coffee tables on each side. there was a counter top on the wall opposite the one with the short couch, it had a tea kettle, a portable cook-top, and a few ash trays on it. Richard walked over to put some water in a kettle as Roger, Nick and Syd walked in. Syd took a seat on the couch and pulled a box of Lucky Strikes out of his pocket, he lifted it to his lips and lit it. David walked in as soon as Roger sat down beside Syd, Nick sat down on the empty couch across from them. David walked in alot more relaxed, his shoulders were back and he was half smiling. Richard came over to the small table with a few cups and a full kettle, he poured hot water into each of the glasses. "there's a few types of tea in the cabinet" he said to me motioning to the one on the far left. I walked over to it and felt David beside me, he was closer now, closer than he was on the stage. He opened the cabinet door and picked out a tea bag, I did the same and followed him over to the coffee table, picked up a cup, and placed the tea bag into the hot water. Richard walked over to sit by Nick as David and I sat on the smaller sofa.


This is a re-upload, I didn't like how I posted it last time so yea here's this

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