A Saucerful of Floyd Part 9: 3/4 Of An Act

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When we parted and they walked to take their places. David hung back a little but I didn't think much of it. I walked out the back door and made my way to the centre left of the crowd, there was a seat open so I decided to take it. I stood right in front of them- but they weren't the mates I was talking to 2 hours ago- they were a well oiled and orchestrated machine. With the first few notes I could tell it would be an amazing show. Syd playing in such a way that I've never seen before, he looked over to me and I smiled- he was a bit distant- I tried waving but I just couldn't get his attention. Roger played didnt play anything too complicated, but what really blew me away was his voice, it had such emotion and it seemed like I could hear his soul in every word he sung. Richard seemed to be having the time of his life while he was playing his different key boards-his hands seemed to have a mind of their own. Nick didn't do anything spectacular, but he added notes here and there that brought the whole piece together. I saw the faint outline of David's figure backstage, he appeared to have a guitar in hand and it looked like he was playing. Playing what, I'm not sure- Syd was already playing up front on stage, what did they need David for? Maybe he was going to come out and play a heavenly solo?

Not to mention the spectacular light show taking place, light and sound seemed to morph together sometimes. I told myself to snap out of it as I looked back up at Syd, he was gone even further than before- I tried to wave over at him but he was looking at something that wasn't there. To my horror he stopped playing all together and walked off stage. I was absolutely petrified, what would the guys do? Why weren't they reacting in any way? Their lead guitarist just left the stage for crying out loud! Then, David walked up and continued playing where Syd left off, if you didn't look for it you wouldn't have known they switched lead guitarists 3/4 the way into the act. I had noticed that there wasn't a lot of difference of the sound when Syd walked off. Of course that's why David looked like he was playing, because he WAS playing. Syd's guitar was almost dead by the time he walked off. I felt like I had to fit pieces of a puzzle together but I was colorblind. Everything was beginning to make sense, what this everything would add up to be? I had no idea, all I know was that there were more to this group of men than elaborate keyboards and awkward costumes.

I looked around and noticed that the rest if the campers didn't seem interested, were they not watching the same show I was? The guys played a a few more songs after Syd left, then walked off the stage, Richard looked to me and when we met eyes he nodded his head back stage. I nodded in return and started to make my way around the front of the stage "hey, you!" I heard a voice call. I turned around only a little before I felt a large heavy object fall on the side of my head. I caught a glimpse of sequins, Everything went black.


Dun dun dun

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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