Chapter 6

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Noone was home so luckily I didn't had to explain my soaked clothes. But I had a growing stone of worries inside of me, maybe I'm making something big out of nothing, but something was up with Luke.

I hanged my damp clothes on the element and changed into some sweatpants and a bleached t-shirt. I then made my way to the kitchen to pour up some milk and cereal.
I made a sad face when I opened the fridge to find no milk. I sighed an brought up my phone.

Me: Daddy could you please get some milk on your way home? <3
It sent and I waited a while. Still no answer, dad is the one person in my life who is the quickest person to answer. I tapped the message icon to see if he even had read it, you know milk is some serious shit so I was eager to get it.

Dad hadn't read it but
Luke had..
Oh My lord what have I done!? I was about to write an apology for my mistake when I saw him starting to write. I froze for a second.
Luke: Little early to call me that?
All the tension released and I dropped halfway dead to the floor laughing. I literally just called Luke daddy. How. I couldn't breathe.

Little did I know my fingers rolled at the keyboard as I rolled on the floor, little did I know autocorrect was in a dirty mind, little did I know I eventually pressed send

When I was done crying in laughter I somehow managed through my blurry tear-filled sight I sent the message to dad, the real one.

Or did I

Because eventually I actually got two texts

Luke: :0 Did you lose a bet or something?
I confused scrolled up to se my last message "I will"
No no no no no. What have I sent!? I won't call him that.
I quick as fire typed in a very white lie
Me: Aum yeah sorry.
Luke: Haha it's ok, So whasupp :-)
I exhaled and was about to answer when I accidentally pressed the "exit" arrow to see the next disaster.
Apparently I sent Cortney to pick up some milk for me too...
Cortney: Wrong number? If not, I'm with Ash, sorry I can't do your groceries.
I face palmed myself really hard and send a "sorry wrong #"

I decided to give up, my phone apparently didn't want dad to go buy milk and I totally forgot Luke's text, so I threw on some boots and my green coat and left the house for buying that dam milk.

After 10 minutes of walking I finally got to the store and I went straight to the milk without any hesitation.
Suddenly my way got an unexpected obstacle in form of a boy.
Both in a unusual fast speed we smash into each other and I fell backwards and the boy took a few steps back to get some balance.
Omg I'm so sorry! the boy yells.
No no it's ok I answer, are you o...I get interrupted, oh hi Ashton.
We both look awfully confused.
Emily, I didn't recognize you, he smiled. He reached out his hand to help me up and I flew up and kind of bumped into his tummy. He giggeled. Seriously he has the cutest giggle.
"Oops sorry. Wait, Aren't you with Cortney?" I asked
"Well I was but I had to go, I'm getting the groceries for my family"
"Oh right, well nice meeting you" I smiled
"You too" he said and created a warm smile on his face.

I then finally got my milk and could Where the hell was my wallet. I digged in frustration through my pockets to find one dollar, the milk was 2. Both I and the man in the checkout sighed.
Suddenly someone behind me spoke up;
"Can I help you?"
I jumped a little and turned around when I heard Ashton's voice.
I looked at him then the dollar then the milk and before I even opened my mouth Ashton spoke. "Just throw that in my basket I'll pay"
"No It's ok I'll just go home and get money"
"Sorry I take that for ya" he said had took the bottle out of my hands and placed it in his basket.
I couldn't say anything but "wow, o k thank you so much".
In this town nothing like this never happens. Even the worker seemed suprised.
When Ashton had payed I tried to give him the dollar I had " You can get the rest tomorrow"
"No no" he waved it away, keep it, you being my friend is enough.
"Thank you so much" I smiled. Inside the loudest "Awwww" was playing
"You're welcome, see you tomorrow"
We waved and then I turned and headed home, I checked my phone.

New message-
dad: Sweetie I'm on my way home, you want me to get anything?

I seriously had to stop for a second to just mentally face palm myself, I was very tempted to just throw my phone my jacket and the dam milk and just burst into some melody singing "fuck it all"
But I decided not to since I just passed an old couple. Didn't want to scare them

Later that evening something happened to my phone so I was about to reboot it so everything was about to get deleted. I could open the "contacts" app though so I started to write a list of phone numbers, I started with mum, dad and my grandparents and also Luke's dad because maybeI would help that girl with gymnastics after all. Then I got to Luke when the phone suddenly made up it's mind and just fixed, how amazing I lost half an hour just writing unnecessary numbers. I just got to write Luke's name. Well nothing to sob over, I went to the nearest trashcan that wasn't filled to the top which was the one in the living room and threw the paper with numbers. After that I didn't think anymore on that and went to sleep.

Next day I didn't wake because of my alarm but by Lilly who sat on my chest.
EMILY! She shouted.
My eyes flew open but suddenly closed again when she just said Goodmorning.
Who is Luke? Then she politely asked. Once again my eyes flew open.
Luke? A boy in my class.
Do you love him?
I froze, I did but could Lilly keep her mouth shut if I told her?
I don't know why, but in that dizzy moment I decided to trust her. "Yes" I just told her.
Immediately after I said it I knew that I would have done better in not telling her. I was just about to tell her she couldn't tell anyone when I saw the time. Fuuu....bble I wasn't allowed to swear in front of Lilly but when I saw that I had woken up 20 minutes late I was very close to do it anyway.
I threw Lilly aside in panic, I had never been late for school. First thing I saw in my closet I took and threw on, it happened to be a pair of light jeans and a blue short sleeved shirt that stopped right under my belly button. When I was halfway in getting my skinny jeans on Lilly started to sing her teasing melody with the most not wanted lyrics "EMILY KISSES LUUUKE, EMILY KISSES LUUUKE"
"No, Lilly not now" I whined but before I got to stop her she danced away to spread her message around the house.
I mentally cursed my smaller siblings and before my jeans was even properly put on I Started chasing her, which of course made it even funnier for her.
"LILLY SHUT UP" I yelled
When we both entered the kitchen I finally got her but not in time for my dad to hear her little message.
Dad rose from the breakfast-table and walked toward us.
Lilly, go pack your bag he said quiet but with a not so happy undertone.
I knew that this was really bad.
Emily, have you kissed that boy more than once?
I swallowed, "no"
So you haven't even been with him?
I decided to add som truth, maybe to sound more trustworthy, "I sit beside him in chemistry but no more no".
So no closer contact? He raised an eyebrow
"Dad I really don't got time for this I'm late for school" That was wrong thing to say, he knew I lied.
You young lady get one more chance, and if I find out you are with him anymore or any other boy for that sake you are grounded for 5 months with no TV and no phone.
We just stood there in silence, I wanted to say something but at that moment I was numb.
And please pull up your zipper he said pointing at my halfway done jeans.
I pulled up and then practically ran to my the bathroom and then my room to get my bag and also to see I would be late even if I ran now.
On my way to school I realized I hadn't brushed my hair and it was really messy but no time for brushing my hair now I had to run, English was waiting.
Apparently more people had ran late this morning so there was running people everywhere, when I got to the door it was to my disappointment closed, so I reached to nock and managed to do so two times before someone nocked me to the floor. I felt how this person was so close to crush me but I don't know, this must be a superhero because he (it was some dam big hands so it must be a he) managed to somehow put his hands right beside My shoulders and was now floating over me, I turned to se who this was and the same second My nose bumped into his and my eyes met his amber eyes two centimeters away the teacher opened the door and half of the persons sitting in there could see us, including Luke and it looked so wrong, so so wrong.

Blue eyes l.r.h (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora