Meeting the boys

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The limo pulled up in front of Carpe Diem, to see Bart outside waiting for them

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The limo pulled up in front of Carpe Diem, to see Bart outside waiting for them.

"Ladies it's good to see you," Bart told each of of the girls as they got out of the limo," come inside we already got a table and you're going to meet the people you guys are going to tour with," Bart explained to us as he led us to the back of the restaurant to revel 9 boys at a big table.

"Who are they." Steph and Caroline asked in sync.

"They're the people you girls are touring with," Bart explained.

They nodded their heads in understatement.

"Sam Green, Nash Grier,"

"Cami Chandler, Cameron Dallas,"

"Faith Angel, Carter Reynolds,"

"Caroline Lockwood, Matthew Espinosa,"

"Rose White, Jack Johnson,"

"Jane Anderson, Jack Gilinsky,"

Becca Holt, Taylor Caniff,"

"Steph Salvatore, Shawn Mendes,"

"Nikki Bolt, Aaron Carpenter," Bart introduced the each girl to the boy they were going to sit by.

"Well, I gotta go. But I already paid for your guys dinner, so enjoy and guys please show the girls to their rooms after this," Bart tells them.

Sam: Nash was really nice and his eyes made me jealous, but I see Nash more as best friend.

Nash: Sam was such a cool girl and she kept asking if those were my actual eye color, but overall I don't see anything romantic happening there just as best friends.

Cami: Cam was cute and kind but I feel like we could be just friends.

Cameron: Cami was Cute and we had some stuff in common but the conversation hardly went anywhere, so I see her more as a friend.

Faith:Carter was amazing but he paid more attention to Matt instead of making conversation, so I don't see anything happening.

Carter: Faith is good looking, but I didn't really get to know her because I was talking to Matt, so I don't see anything happening.

Caroline:Matt was interesting he was a little to hyper for me I think me and him are better as those friends you talk to some days and other days you forget about.

Matt: Caroline and I laughed, but I think I scarred her with some of my jokes but she seems like a friend to me.

Rose:Johnson was kind and amazing but just too shy for my liking but I do see him as a friend.

Johnson: Rose was nice and kind but she's just too shy for me, but I do see her as a friend.

Jane: Gilinsky was a pretty good guy but sometimes he could be really weird and I just don't see anything happening between us but all I can say is he is a good guy and we could be best friends.

Gilinsky: Jane was funny and nice, she was like a little sister to me so I see her more as a best friend.

Becca: Taylor was a kind and sweet but sometimes we went from laughing to dead quiet it turned awkward real quickly, so I don't see anything going on between us.

Taylor: Becca was funny and we swapped jokes, but it got very quiet and awkward after I told her a joke she didn't' understand. I see her as a friendish.

Steph: Shawn was a really sweet guy and he knew how to make me laugh which was amazing and he even complimented my Minnie ears and I found out he can sing which is awesome the night just ended with lots of laughing I feel like we could be best friend.

Shawn: Steph was funny and unique, we just had a fun night, but I see her as a best friend.

Nikki: Aaron was kind and sweet, I had a real good time but he feels more like a brother than anything else.

Aaron: Nikki and I laughed our hearts out, we just had a good time but she seems more like a sister to me than anything else.

The meal soon ended and Rose gave a look to the rest of the girls who nodded and all stood up and Cami asked," Where are we staying, we're gonna call it a night."

The guys nodded and Nash told the place. Once outside the limo came to pick up the girls and once inside all the girls yelled in sync," MOVIE NIGHT!!"

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