Chapter 5. How It Became Red

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This is dedicated to nogrxy because you like Red so much, :)

How it became red...

"Do I have to join Karate classes too?" I asked Blake when we finally arrived in the dojo or the place where Karate was taught. It's summer already and since we're both on vacation, he decided we take up self-defense classes like this one.

Shouldn't summer be spent with just relaxing or chilling out? I asked my parents if they could let me travel this summer but they didn't allow me since I was only 15. I really wanted to travel overseas...

"Yes, so we could avoid any more incidents like what happened that night. We gotta learn self-defense," he reasoned out. Well, he had a point. "Besides, you need this most. You're a girl, you're defenseless. What if I wasn't there to protect you?" Oh my heart.

"Yeah, you got beaten anyway."

So there, we enrolled and got ourselves a Gi or the white gear worn by Karate members. We learned the basics like the rules of the dojo, types of punches, blocks and kicks.

"You want to spar?" a boy went to me right after the Sensei or the teacher left for break.

"What?" I asked. Who the hell was this boy challenging me for a spar? If I was a black belter, I'd gladly accept his challenge but for crying out loud, I just enrolled today! Jeez.

Describing him as good-looking was an understatement. I thought nobody could surpass Blake in terms of physical appearance, but somehow there's just something about him. If only I'd met him first, I was sure he'll be the one I'll get obsessed with. He'll be the topic of my every entry in my diary and not Blake.

No, wait! I'm loyal to Blake.

"Didn't you hear me? I asked you if you wanted to spar?" he repeated this time with meaner tone. Srsly?! I took back all those nice things I said about him. He's the ugliest person to ever exist in this world! I wouldn't want to write him in my diary. Ever!

"I heard you," I said. "And I don't want to."

"You're just afraid," his lip perked up a little in jest.

"No, I'm not," I said and I was thankful, Blake arrived with two bottled water in his hand. He handed me the other one which I gladly took. I thought I was drained with today's session. I was pretty sure my muscles will be sore tomorrow. Ahh, so dreadful. I didn't think physical activities are for me.

"Hey, man. Back off," said Blake.

"Is he your boyfriend?" he asked ignoring him. "Okay, let's spar instead," he said addressing Blake. What the hell's wrong with this creep? Such a war-freak.

Blake's expression immediately turned sour but he definitely did not back down. "You're on!"

"Uhh, guys. Stop it. Blake, you don't have to stoop down to his level. Won't the sensei get mad if you two fight without his permission and given that you two are both newbies?" I asked stopping mainly Blake to get into trouble.

"This guy's just annoying," Blake said.

"I know, he's not worth it," I said.

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