Chapter 7. How Is It For a Déja Vu

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How is it for a déja vu...

It's freezing, I was  shivering and on top of that, my heart was pounding. The game will start after few minutes and my heart can't seem to stop beating so loud. I can hear it clearly despite the noise of the drum rolls.

I munched furiously on my hotdog sandwich and gulped almost half of my energy drink. Steady, Ven, steady. It was the finals for our Inter-High School Soccer Competition. We needed to win this. We had to win for our school's glory---

"You're clenching your teeth so hard," said Blake who sat beside me on the bleachers. "You look like you're the one nervous and not me."

Oh yeah right. It's his game, not mine. I was just so nervous for him. "Well, can't I be nervous in your stead?" I asked because he looked so relaxed. "And what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your teammates?" I asked. He's already in his jersey but with his jacket. I tried to ignore the many pairs of eyes on us. I got myself used to it.

"I prefer to be here beside you," he said which, yep!, made my heart flutter even though it's already beating so wild. What kind of bestfriend was I taking advantage of every sweet word he say? "Here," he said, taking off his jacket, "you keep it with you. Jeez, why forget to bring a jacket when it's cold?" he mumbled the last sentence to himself. I smiled inwardly. He can't just resist me, can he?

"Thanks," I said as we exchange my food and his jacket. I shrugged it in comfortably and was about to get my food back when he took a bite on my sandwich. "Hey, go buy your own..."  I chastised lightly.

"You're paying the jacket with this," he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"The jacket's yours already. I get to have this," he explained waving my food in front of me. Well, that's a surprise. I never showed an indication that I very much wanted to have his jacket. How did he know I wanted this so bad?

"Wow! Thank you!" I said and didn't stop myself from hugging him. "Good luck!" I said and again, I surprised myself by boldly kissing him on his cheek. Well, it was just a good luck kiss but we both were surprised from what I did.

Thankfully, he quickly recovered from it. "A 'thank you' would actually suffice," he said and laughed. I lowered my head in embarrassment. "Gotta go. Watch carefully and enjoy the game, okay?" I nodded timidly. Damn, my cheeks were burning hot even though it's so cold.

Soon, the game was heating up. 2-1 by the end of the first half. We were leading, thank God! They needed to score more. And not little later, the second half commenced. And the game was tight. Nobody could score a goal in the first 20 minutes. I was even clenching my teeth tighter than ever. The energy drink in my hand remained untouched because I can't bring myself to drink it when it was killing me. It was a suspense I wish to end the soonest. "Go, Blaaaaaake!!!" I yelled to cheer for him even though he couldn't hear me. He had now the ball, dribbling it towards the goal post.

Few more feet and he's going to reach the opponent's goalkeeper but just then, two players were chasing him probably with the goal of kicking the ball away from him. Faster, Blake! You can do it... or just kick it right then and there. I must have looked so dumb by coaching him in my mind.

Before he could do so, the ball was kicked away from him. I followed the ball with my eyes as the opponent got it and kicked it towards the opposite direction. Man, that was a waste. That was unfair, 2 on 1! Poor Blake, he must be disappointed by now.

My line of sight went back to him. And I saw the blue-colored jersey players (our players actually) swarming in the area where I last saw Blake. What was happening? I was on my feet to have a better view on what's happening. I gasped and dropped my drink. For a moment, all I could do was stare at them. No. My Blake. What happened?

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