New Horizons

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I wasn't in a good mood after yesterday's happenings. I didn't want to see Aakash ever. But still I put up a brave front and marched down the front porch where he was waiting for me to take me to college.
I found Joshlyn waiting for me. I had met her only two months ago when I moved in but she was my estranged twin. She was 5'5 with black braids.
"Hey Sam!" She said hugging me.
"You don't look good"
"Hey. Long one....later"
We parted for our classes.
Later on phone she had suggested me to do some work to keep myself busy and to avoid Aakash.
So I began searching for new horizons. Finally I got a part time job as babysitter. I was to babysit a 6 yr old girl.
After college I went straight to do my part time job.
"Hello Mrs. Hemmings"
"Hello Samaira. I have written the instructions on paper for your convenience. I will be back by 11" she said leaving.
I dropped my bag on the couch.
I took a seat next to the girl on the couch.
"Hey! I'm Samaira your babysitter. You are really cute. What's your name?"
"Hello! I'm Alice." She said in her cute baby voice.
I asked her about her school.
We talked for sometime and then I served her cheese pizza. After finishing a slice she went to sleep I tucked her in.
"You make tasty pizza....Can you please read me a bed time story...Mommie always does" she said shyly.
Her cuteness was melting me.
"Awww.. Thank you. Yeah which story you want to hear"
"Mmmm...Snow white"
Half way through the story Alice fell asleep. I tiptoed out of the room.
It was ten I still had an hour to myself. I settled on the couch and started studying. It was half past 11. Nobody was home.
I was hungry so I made myself a cheese pizza.
I put on my headphones and played my favourite playlist.
I was dancing wildly and singing Mrs All American.
I turned around to see a tall guy with beautiful blue eyes in casual purple shirt and blue ripped jeans standing on the other end of the table. It was a dream come true. He was Luke Hemmings. At first I thought I was hallucinating but he was true.
I took out the headphones.
I knew I would be looking stupid singing and dancing like a drunkard.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he said apologetically.
"Umm... No it's fine. Actually I should apologise for behaving like a drunkard"
That earned me a startled laugh from him.
"No you sing and dance pretty well"
"Thanks" I said smiling.
I remembered locking the door then how did he come in?
He read the confused look on my face.
"Alice is my niece. I have a spare key" he said producing a key from his pocket.
I realised the pizza was getting cold.
"Umm..hmm..Will you help me make this pizza vanish faster?"
I knew he loved pizzas.
"Sure" he said smiling.
"Hey I'm Samaira. I was baby sitting Alice"
"I'm Luke." He said modestly.
"Who doesn't know you! You are the best band on earth...and 1D too!" I said excitedly.
"How does it feel to be super famous?"
"At times it gets annoying. I feel I could escape...." He said sadly.
"It would be very difficult to make new non celeb friends... You to find honest ones and not just wannabe ones" It was more of a statement.
We talked over pizza. It was 12 when I realised I had to go. By that time Mrs. Hemmings was home.
"Sorry dear. The party ended later than I had expected"
"No problems there. Alice is the sweetest child I've ever met. She is fast asleep. I should leave now"
"It's late. Luke will drop you"
"No no its okay Mrs. Hemmings. I'll take a cab."
"I don't eat humans. I'm already full by the way" he said smirking.
"As you like it" I said smiling.
"You know you make awesome pizzas."
"Well thanks"
"You are different from all others I have met. You are a fan but still you haven't asked me out"
"You want me too" I said jokingly.
"By the way I would absolutely love to be your friend" he said smiling.
We exchanged digits.
He dropped me home and drove away.

Imperfectly Perfect ( Luke Hemmings Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora