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"Luke! Please no!"
I squealed as he spun me around in his arms.

I had come over to Luke's house.

"Don't worry I'll not drop you. Besides our new single from the album just went platinum! I'm on top of the world!"
Luke shouted out.

"I'm so happy for you!"
I said smiling as he put be back on my feet.

I put my hand across his neck pulling him closer for a kiss.
It was long sweet kiss. Just the two of us.

But the sad part was Luke was leaving for three weeks to meet his family.

Even though I felt sad thinking of not seeing him everyday but I didn't show it.

He was to leave tomorrow so I was helping him pack things up.

"I'm so excited to go back home. I haven't seen them in past six months."
Luke said stuffing his shirts in the bag.

I said nodding my head.

"Babe it's just three weeks. I'll be back before you realise"
He said hugging me.

"I know. It's going to be three weeks without our midnight outings, popcorn fights and your hugs. How do you expect me to survive that!"

"Like you survived all the hate mails from fan"
He said diverting my mind.

"Well, all I had to do was deactivate my account"
I said shrugging.

"You didn't have to do that!"
He said laying his head in my lap.

"I'm better off without that hate. Besides I could take a bullet for you; this is nothing"
I said playing with his hair.

"You are my sun, my moon, my solar system"
He said smiling.

"Interstellar flirtation. I like it"


I came over to see him off the next day at airport.

"I'll miss"
I said hugging him.

"This goodbye means nothing. It's just a prelude to the awesome hello I'll say to you soon"
He said kissing me goodbye.

I went smiling back to the car.

I found a package inside addressed to me.

It had a note.

Within a minute I was all packed up
I have got a ticket to another world
I don't wanna leave.
She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was beside you...


It had me in tears. Happy tears. I was very lucky to have him.

I fished deeper inside to find an iPod shuffle inside with a playlist compiled by him to keep me busy while he was away.

When did he manage all this!

Thank you

I texted him. I knew he couldn't see it now but he will receive it when he lands.


"What you doing?"

"Well, nothing much besides missing you, making notes and missing you again"

I was facetiming with Luke.

He chuckled.

"What about you?"

"Just want to lay back in your arms"

Now it was my turn to smile.

"Calum caught cold. He is bedridden"
He said sadly.

"Poor guy. I'll see him"

"Talk to you later. Miss you. Bye"

"I miss you more"
I hung up.

I drove to 5sos mansion.

Poor fellow Calum. He was sick and being in a guy group was no relief.

I went to his room.

"Hey Cal"

"Hey Sam"
He croaked with a blocked nose.

"Your room is a mess"

The entire room was in a mess, tissues all over the floor, dirty laundry and bed sheets messed up.

"How you doing?"

"The meds are taking longer time to work than I expected"
He said wiping his nose.

He was all alone in the house as Ash and Mike were out.

"Cal I'll make some chicken and pea soup and gingerbread for you"

"That will be very helpful"

I knew every corner of this house by now so I had no problems finding the ingredients I wanted.

I went to his room with a tray in hand.

"Here's your meal"
I said placing it on the bed.

"Thanks a ton"
He said hugging me.

"Nuh uh. Not unless your germ free"
I said backing off.

He gave a startled laugh.

"Living in the same room with the germs will be no help in curing you. I'll clean this up"

I mopped the room clean and put a dustbin by the bedside.

"Use this to throw the trash. And not testing your aiming skills"

"It'll be really handy"

"It'll make some lasagna for dinner. You just need to microwave it. And-"

"Please no more soup"
He cried.

"And some soup. It's for your good health. The medicines are by your bedside and a jug full of water"
I continued as if he had not interrupted me.

"Call me if you need some help"

"Bye. Take care. Get well soon"
I said winking.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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