Phoenix Alexander Black

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[B]Quote: "fighting is pointless, yet did you ever notice how fun it is? Perhaps that is why we do it, simply for the pleasure of the fight"


Name: Phoenix

Pronunciation: fe-nix

Name Meaning: A bird that built its own pyre and then was reborn from the ashes.[IMG=NNS]

Other Names: Fire

Titles: Alpha

Appearance: [IMG=0CP]

Wolf form:[IMG=LPN]

Symbols: a tattoo of a Phoenix on his right shoulder blade.

Theme Song: Phoenix by fall out boy

Zodiac: Leo


Species: werewolf/Lycan

Nationality: American

Skin Colour: deep tan color

Height: 6'5

Scars: bite and scratch scars

Hair Colour: chestnut brown

Hair Length: cut to above his ears

Hair Type: thick at the back

Hairstyle: ruff and unkept

Facial Hair: well groomed facial hair

Eye Colour: glowing ember color

Teeth: both bottom and top canines are sharp to the touch.


Accent/Dialect: New Orleans accent

Laughter: warm and rich.

Pitch: deep voice


Vises: he smokes, not frequently but in times of high stress he could be seen either sucking a lollipop or a cigarette.

Figure: muscular build, well toned.

Hygiene: very clean, though he doesn't mind getting dirty

Posture: proud posture

Scent: woodsy, he smells like oak and cinnamon.


IQ: 156

Known Languages: Spanish, French, German and English. Sometimes he'll talk in a demon language to his demon drinking buddies.

Obsessions: keeping things in order.

Memory: very gooooood

Phobias: getting a bad tattoo

Temperament: very calm but he can flip like a switch

Hobbies: running and training the warriors in his pack.

Pet Peeves: people messing with the order of things

Sleeping Pattern: sleeps peacefully, holding a pillow against his chest.


Accessories: leather bracelet.

Dress Style: [IMG=KBJ]
Dark jeans, vest, and leather jacket. Topped off with black boots.

Equipment: claws and his teeth. He uses what nature gave him.

Most Prized Possession: a pocket watch given to him by his grandfather.


Color: Purple
Food: Chili fries and raw deer
Season: winter
Show: American horror story
Movie: Sin City
Book: the fairy tale of the brothers grimm
Animal: wolf
Hobby: singing


Gender: Male

Orientation: bisexual

Sex Life: none at the moment

Virginity: a drink to many and what do you expect *bashful smirk*

First Love: none so far *sighs*


Immediate Family:
Mother (alive)
Father (dead)


Boxer dog named Bruce



Phoenix had a good childhood with his mother and father. If he treated them with the respect they deserved then they would treat him with the same respect.
He was trained by his father to be an Alpha, yet his father did not push him to the point of breaking Because this was his son.
His mother taught him how to one day be the perfect mate, to treat his woman with the utmost respect.

[B]Teenage year:

As Phoenix grew up he started to notice some things about himself, he started to notice how he was attracted to both males and females, this confused him to no end seeing as he'd grown up with the knowledge that he would mate with a female and they would be happy. But he found himself more attracted to males then females. He kept this secret from his parents out of fear.
When he was in his late teens he started to do things that all teenagers do. He smoked, he drank and one night he drank so much that he found himself in a females bed, with a naked female. It didn't take him long to figure out what had happened.
He panicked and left the house in a state. He even left her a sorry note out of pure shame that he had bed a female in a sate of drunken lust.
Later on he was much more careful with who he did these things with. Making sure he was sober when it happened.
He engaged in a few relationships with both male and female partners. Keeping this secret from his parents of course. He found himself comfortable with both make and females so decided it was in fates hands to give him a mate either male or female.

[B]Young adult years:

In his early adult years he saw his father's health deteriorate and one night in the dead of winter his father passed leaving the title of Alpha to him.

[B]Alpha of the pack:

Phoenix is a strong, caring and well ordered Alpha. He always puts his pack before himself.

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