Quinn Adam Smith

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[B]Quote: "if it feels good, tastes good then it must be mine"


Name: Quinn

Pronunciation: k - win

Name Meaning: Quinn means intelligent.

Other Names:
Quinni (only Masika can call him that)

Sir Quinn of Blackwood
Brother Quinni

Symbols: Quinn has the infinity symbol tattooed on the inside of his wrist.

Theme Song: Throne - BMTH

Zodiac: Scorpio


Species: Vampire

Nationality: American

Skin Colour: pale white

Height: 6'6

Scars: Quinn has been in many, many fights over his long, long life. Of course he has scars.

Hair Colour: Jet black

Hair Length: short

Hair Type: thick and soft

Hairstyle: ruff chopped

Facial Hair: a bit of stubble but it looks good

Eye Colour:
Stormy grey color - normal
Scarlet red - in a state of bloodlust



Accent/Dialect: New Orleans accent

Laughter: rich and could fill a room but sometimes he just chuckles

Pitch: low and deep


Addictions: Blood and alcohol

Figure: strong, well built

Hygiene: ..... He doesn't really care

Posture: very casual

Scent: Grapes and blackberries


IQ: 147

Known Languages: English, Russian, Spanish, French, German, Swahili, Japanese, Latin and Greek

Obsessions: Candy Canes and blood

Memory: he remembers all of his life

Phobias: running out of candy canes

Temperament: quick to anger

Hobbies: talking to new people and messing with them.

Pet Peeves: people ignoring him when he needs to know something that they know.

Sleeping Pattern: sleeps during the day, not because he'll burn but because its easier with his job.


Accessories: he wears a ring on a chain around his neck. He never takes it off.

Dress Style: [IMG=1Y9]

Equipment: 9mm handgun

Most Prized Possession: he wouldn't tell a soul this but its a ring Masika gave him when she was a child. A sweet gesture that struck a cord with him.


Gender: Male

Orientation: Bisexual

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