Salem Witch Hazel

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[B]Quote: "Death is another beginning, when I kill, I give a lost soul another chance to live again"


Name: Salem

Pronunciation: Say - lem

Name Meaning: Salem is the Hebrew name that means peace

Other Names:
Beast hunter
Earth child
Spirit child

Beast hunter


There was just something unreal and eerie about Salem. Her face, somewhat luminous, had a pale tone to it. The eyes were a piercingly sharp shade of Jade Green. Eyebrows were arched over the curve before dispersing onto the bridge of her danity nose. Plump, the rosy red lips had the strangest curl to them. This enchanting face was framed wavy, blood red - coloured curls, each falling to her hips. Overall, she was truly an unearthly beauty.

Theme Song: Phoenix, Fall out boy

Zodiac: Leo


Species: Witch

Nationality: American

Skin Colour: Pale tone

Height: 5'4

Hair Colour: blood red

Hair Length: each curl falls to her hips

Hair Type: curled

Hairstyle: always down

Eye Colour: Jade green eyes, when looked into you could get lost for eternity.


Accent/Dialect: New Orleans accent

Laughter: sweet with something hidden, as if when she laughs there was a whole different reason for laughing.

Pitch: Low, quiet and husky. Her tone of voice could be described as rather sultry.


Addictions: Nicotine (she smokes, she isn't proud of it but it just seems to relax her in times of stress)

Figure: voluptuous and curvy; she could be described as almost sinful.

Hygiene: clean, neat except when she's slaying beasts. Then more mess means a happy Salem.

Posture: Very alert, ready for anything

Scent: Melted chocolate and spice. When your close its almost as if all the smells of winter cling to her skin.


IQ: 149

Known Languages: Hebrew, Greek, Russian, English, German

Obsessions: Killing Blood Spilling Beasts.

Memory: she remembers a very moment of her life.

Phobias: Not protecting those she loves.

Temperament: she walks the thin line between calm and pissed.

Hobbies: collecting weapons; weapons such as knives, swords, Axes and guns.

Pet Peeves: people who constantly have their faces glued to a screen. It's just rude and irritating.


Dress Style: Dark clothing consisting of vests, joggers and Converse. Often donning a black cloak.

Equipment: A long wooden axe with a pure silver core, the blade is a connected sharp silver and engraved.

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