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[B]Quote: "when life gives you lemons, sell them for something sweeter"


Name: Zenobia

Pronunciation: Zen - o - be - a

Other Names: Zen

Appearance: [IMG=71P]
Panther form:

Zodiac: Libra


Species: werepanther

Nationality: American

Skin Colour: Slightly tanned

Height: 5'2

Scars: Her body has many bite and scratch marks covering it.

Hair Colour: Ebony black.

Hair Length: Short, cut just under the ear.

Hair Type: Ruff chop, short, thick and soft.

Hairstyle: Short and ruff chop.

Eye Colour: Violet

Teeth: Both canines, top and bottom are sharp and pointed.


Accent/Dialect: New Orleans accent

Laughter: rich, like she has heard it all before

Pitch: husky


Addictions: Coffee and Apples.

Figure: Curvy and we'll toned.

Hygiene: she doesn't care

Scent: Pairs and pineapple


IQ: 145

Known Languages: German and English.

Obsessions: Biker boots.

Memory: she's forgetful, yet remembers the important things.

Phobias: The Dark and small spaces.

Temperament: quick to anger, finds moments of peace when alone and meditating.

Hobbies: Sparring, running and making milkshakes.

Pet Peeves: people acting way to immature for their age.

Sleeping Pattern: She sleeps when she truly feels alone, that's when she feels safe.


Accessories: [IMG=2AQ]

Dress Style: [

Equipment: Her claws and teeth but when it comes down to it she does like the feel of a pistol in her hand.

Most Prized Possession: A fairy tale book from her father. He used to read to her every night before passing at the age of 935 year old when his mate had died. He couldn't live without her.


Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Sex Life: nope

Virginity: yep

First Love: she has never found a connection like that.


Immediate Family:
Father (dead)
Mother (dead)

Friends: Zenobia has many friends from the gym where she works as a trainer. She doesn't really let to many of them get to close unless they are a supernatural creature like her. It's easy to explain things to them then it is to the humans.

Pets: Mitsy, Zenobia's pet cat. She's feisty and only let's certain people touch her.


During her younger years she lived with her mother and father, they loved each other deeply and protected their child with their lives. They gave her the best, anything that she made need they would get her. This doesn't mean that they spoiled her, no quite the opposite in fact. They made her work for what she wanted.

They trained her, making her cry from how much she hurt after sparring and then they would tend to her. Tuck her into bed, whispering "one day," her mother would wipe a tear away "one day this tear will mean nothing, one day you'll think back and smile about how string this made you" her father would chuckel and kiss her head, whispering a sweet fairy tale from his book in the room lighted by candle light.

But one day her mother fell ill, it was something that couldn't be cured. Her mother at the age of 543 died, she only looked to be 29. Her father shortly followed her mother, unable to live without his mate. Before he left her he gave her his story book, tears in his eyes as he said sweetly. "Remember me and your mother, don't forget what we would tell you and please. Don't stop living and loving like you do now. Remember that I, your mother and me... We love you Zenobia, my beautiful daughter" he kissed her head one last time with a broken smile. He was found next morning, dead, atop of her mothers grave in panther form.

Zenobia grew up from the age of 15 without her mother and father. Sure it hurt but she remembered her father's words and it made her stronger, even if being without them did hurt her. She visits her mother and father's grave often, leaving flowers and offering them stories about what their not so little girl had been getting up to.

She learned many things as she grew, she learned how to talk to many different people, how to be kind to complete strangers and how to understand things that had once seemed difficult.

Now as a adult she has gotten a job, she's made many friends and she's even gotten a home. Yet the fear of losing someone she loves still lingers, so she tends not to become romantically involved with anyone because of that fear. But that hasn't effected her much, just means that she feels a little lonely from time to time but her friends are always there to cheer her up again.

Zenobia wants the things her mother and father had. Love, that feeling of rightness in the world but because if her fear of being hurt again she tends to stay at a distance to those she could potentially fall for. She even is scared to find her mate because if this.

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