Chapter 23

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Louis P.O.V.:

When our temples met I felt a tenseness pull within Amy.  Did I say something wrong? I couldn't read her, which was unusual due to the fact that she was usually open with whatever or however she was feeling. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we both walked inside. She set her purse on the counter and bent her torso over the counter with her elbows steadying her as her eyes pulled downward and deep in thought. I started to cook breakfast and watched her every move. What was she not telling me?

"You're awfully quiet today, which is scary since you usually talk nonstop." I teased her as i came up behind her and rested my chin in the hollow of her shoulder and planted a kiss on her cheek. She shoved me off and turned about face to me. "I did something." She stated monotone as her face filled with guilt. Stunned, I looked at her confused and let out an unsure laugh. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I said harboring a small bit of heavy heated anger. She gulped, her entire body went tense as she said it. " I slept with Harry." Tears rolled down her face. The burning betrayal I felt was horrid. "What..?" I managed to squeak out while feeling like my heart just fell out of my chest. "How could you?" I yelled while sharply pointing at her. "You know what, don't tell me. Fuck this I'm leaving." I stated as I grabbed my jacket and car keys. 

"Louis! Wait! Don't leave! I'm so sorry!" She yelled after me. I turned around with my face stoic and lacking any emotion when in actuality I wanted to burst into tears. "I can't do shit with I'm sorry." I said knocking her down a peg. With that I turned around and walked to my car, slamming the door shut with frustration. I sped off to an empty parking lot on the other side of town. I parked and punched at my steering wheel while screaming obscenities. 

The twisted fact being, I wanted to run to Harry and tell him about it. But I couldn't since he was partially at fault as well. My anger bubbled over inside me and I drove off towards his flat. Once there, I pounded on the door until my knuckles burned. Harry met me at the door half naked, meaning he had company.

I knocked him on his ass and screamed into his face. "She isn't another one of your midnight comforts you fuck!" I yelled with every vocal capacity. I swung five times before Harry grabbed me and forced me to stop. "I deserved that." Harry stated as he winced at his new facial abrasions. "I'm leaving today." Harry said as he pushed a boarding pass over to me. 

"I want nothing to do with either of you." I stated in disgust. "I won't force you to and I know there's nothing I can do to fix this but, you can stay here for however long you want." Harry said sliding his flat key over to me. He let his guest out and got dressed. He pulled his suitcase out and shut the door behind him. I sat there in misery with my head in my hands barely able to breathe.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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