Chapter 7

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The smell of pot fell around the air in the shitty fucking cabin Gavin rented. Gavin being my little brother had the hook up he knew a dealer. I puffed on my joint and held in the smoke before letting it out and giggling like a maniac. I'm going to be honest I was seriously fucked up on boose and pot. I'd been in the pot for so long my clothes reeked of it. But at the time I was eighteen a stupid little fucking Highschool senior who knew nothing beyond school but everything on the street. I chugged down the bottle of whiskey and fell over, blacking out.

"Amy! Amy! Amy!." A husky voice I knew as Gavin's whined choking on tears. My eyelids fluttered open focusing in what was lying in the cabin floor. Two bodies; my parents. I went into hysterics as I jumped up and cradled my mothers head in my arms and squeezed my fathers hand in my own. Their flesh cold as ice the blood fresh and caked all on them. "I shot them, I really shot them." Gavin repeated pacing the living room. "You'd did this!" I hissed in his direction I grabbed a candlestick and swung at him, only to have him grab it. "I hate you!" I screamed hysterically "Get out and if I ever see you again, I won't hesitate killing you, you fucking bastard." Gavin left, and I dialed the police crying so hard I thought my heart would burst and my lungs collapse.

End of flashback*

I sat in the shower as I wore Louis old shirt the water soaking it making it cling to my skin, masking my tears. I thought back to the condom breaking, to be honest I'm too fucking scared to check.

Expecting the worst I stop thinking about that little pink box beneath my sink, I stop thinking about that little stick flashing a black plus sign confirming I'm pregnant, I stop thinking about Louis' family problems, I stop thinking of my own. I just stop and go numb of feeling, being done with it all. I reach under the sink and pull out my razors.

I peel back my sleeves and I shove the razor to my skin, watching the blood pour from my wrist and my old scars show the torture I put myself through. As the blood swirls down the drain.

Reminding me of the nights of when my parents fought I'd turn up my music and drown them out, fooling myself. And I'd partake in slicing my innocent flesh relentlessly. Something of which i had control.

My hands shake as I toss the razors down only to see Louis standing in the doorway, horror written on his face as his blue eyes peer down. He rushes over and turns off the shower as he grabs my wrists giving me immediate medical attention, his mother being a nurse helping my cause.

What I don't notice? He's crying as he wraps his arms around my body and rocks me. "Why." He begs lifting my chin. " I can't help it." I reply and with that he smashes my skull against the bathroom wall and I slump over, dead.

"I won't let you effect me." He says.

I jolt awake my heart pounding as I rush to the restroom and pull out that stupid fucking pink stick. I take a piss on it and wait and wait and wait. I'm impatient as I wait for my answer.

My worst nightmare comes true and the pink stick reads positive. Guess who's fucked? A) your cat B) your senile neighbor or C) Me If you chose C your correct. If you chose A or B your a fucking moron. I toss it in the trash and cover the stick and box with tissues. "Morning love." Louis coos into my ear. "I'm pregnant." I blurt as Louis' arms cuddle my torso. "I'm the father?" Louis asks his eyebrows furrowing. "Considering the condom broke while we were doing it, yes you are the father." I stated sarcastically following an eye roll. Louis laughed at my actions and kissed my cheek. "Then I don't see a problem babe." Louis stated smiling wide. "I'm gonna be a Dad." Louis beamed as he picked me up and spun me in his arms before leaning in to kiss me gently.

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