Chapter 11

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Nothing hurts like the nasty, ugly, gritty truth. There was only one place I could go in order to stop me from blowing those motherfuckers to smitheries.

I was half broken when he whipped open the door to his home, and went wide eyed at the sight of me. We sat in his living room he hardly had a chance to enjoy, sitting a cup of hot chocolate on the coffee table in front of me, then sat on his couch to cross his legs.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

"Why'd you run this time," he asked, propping the side of his head on his fist.

"I didn't run," I argued.

"I was so angry with them, that I couldn't even see straight."

"Has it ever occurred to you that you have an issue with anger?"

"No I don't."

"Yes you do. You're angry now."

"I'm only angry because of that bullshit, and because you're saying I'm angry is not helping me to calm myself."

"Majesty," he sighed.

"Why are you wasting my time? You know you want him. Especially now that he remembers you. Face the fact that I don't hIve a dying wish to be with you against Jayden.

He's like your crack, and you're a recovering addict. Just go back and save face, before I have to make up my guest room just to give you my bed for a few days."

"What if I don't want to go back," I sassed.

"What if I want to stay with you?"

"You'd only be lying to yourself. You're hurt right now. That's the only reason you want me at this moment."

"I want you because of everything you've done for me, Trevor. I fucked over you, when you were right there in front of me, this whole time! I love you!"

"And I love you," he reasoned. "But you're not in-love with me. There's a difference." And he saw it. He saw right through my hurt and discovered what I was trying to hide.

That's what made me love him. Even though he was hurt, he was still trying his best to force me back home. But why?

"What's in it for you, if I go back," I asked.

"Why are you so willing to make me happy after all of this?"

"I get the satisfaction of knowing you're truly happy if you go back. And I love you, that's why I'm willing. You and him must take work. I'm still going to be your friend, but don't you realize that if I can stick through all of this with you, after what's happened, you can stick with him after he's stuck his dick in almost every woman who ever walked the state of Florida?" After a long pause, he ushered me to the door, where he gave me a needed hug, and let me breathe the same air as him, before he opened the door.

"Remember," he said to me, "should you ever find yourself, you'll find me. And when you come back to me..."

"I know," I faintly smiled, not wanting to leave him again. Yet, I knew I had to after we both faced that painful fact that Jayden had this type of hold over me to restrict me from actually being in love with anyone else.

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