Sneak Peek

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How would you feel if you knew your entire life was a complete lie? A sham?

What if the one person you love was gone away from you because you forced them away? I sat at the back of the church and watched such sweet

"I do's" and bitter beginnings.

My heart could never be as cold as it was that day. She was suppose to be MY wife. I went through the trouble of rearranging her first relationship, all so I could look like the hero she wanted.

It worked until this Jayden guy popped up in her brain when I tried to make love to her, so I never stopped trying.

She was supposed to object when the preacher at the front asked her who saw that they shouldn't be fit to marry, but she willingly shoved that blade into my fucking heart, knowing I was back there, silently crying out for her to come home where she belonged.

That night we spent after work in my restaurant, I couldn't stand his voice on her ear piece, asking her about sex.

My blood had never boiled so much. Right when I thought I could save her again, he pops back up. I got into my car, right after she left, speeding to his club so I could have hand to hand with him, and make him leave her, but I discovered I was right behind him in traffic.

I took an earlier exit in my Hummer, and rerouted my GPS to calculate where he was at which point, until we made a perfect T at an intersection. Many people saw my Hummer clang against his perfect Lexus, but they didn't know who it was, seeing as how my windows were limo tint, and I had removed my plates; erasing my identity.

I just knew he would be dead. I rammed that tin can of his three times on his driver side. It was only a shock when Ayeonna showed up to the hospital, telling me he wasn't hanging on to the last of his life, rather laying unconscious from my revenge.

Him losing his memory was the best thing that happened to me. I'll even back track.

The first time Ayeonna and me saw each other, we made love in my office, after we delivered a tender new life, before we had coffee. I just knew if I impregnated her she would come running back to me.

That day I saved her from the rain and got her alarm fixed, I only asked her about the baby journey so she could tell me if I succeeded, but I thought I failed. Not true at all.

When she fainted, I did the calculations myself, and smiled at the tiny image I placed inside of her.

All my other planning failed, and I hated her; hated her to my core for wasting my damn time. All I ever did would never amount up to this guy.

My final act, before I discovered the tiny boy was mine, was to get Jayden his memory back. By doing it, I knew he would go into a rage, and most likely kill Tonya, and spend the rest of his life away from Ayeonna, or give me enough time with him behind bars to get Ayeonna's heart after all.

Even that didn't work. When I got the invitation to this wedding in my work box, I wanted to slug the first person I saw. But it's okay. I sat there, now, with a smile on my face; not happy for them, but to know Ayeonna will always have a part of me, and due to deliver in a few weeks.

Finally, I one uped Jayden, and got Ayeonna where he couldn't. I gave her my seed. I was going to kill him slowly.

First mentally, then emotionally, and finally... physically, if all else failed.

He didn't fucking belong in this picture. I'm the one who fixed that woman and build her just for me, not him!

I'm the one who had the patience to understand her, not him! For his stupidity, and her blindness, I was going to fucking kill him inside and out. How would he feel looking at a growing child who looks like some one else?

Probably divorce her, hurt her again, and send her and my son my way so I can be the hero I was.

It may take years, but I'll wait, just so I can have the woman I love.

I'm Gonna Have Ayeonna Even If It Takes All Of Me To Get Her!


I'll start working on book three soon guys! Enjoy your Christmas!

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