Scared to Death

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This was a prompt from kendricksnerd (tumblr). Beca and Chloe are detectives and they are in a relationship.

Chloe POV
We got an emergency call from base. Telling us that there was a guy who may or may not be one of the main leaders of the murder we are investigating. It was meant to be undercover so that he didn't realise we were on to him.
"Beca, I refuse to let you go in there alone!" I say furiously and cross my arms.
"We're not meant to draw attention. A lesbian couple will draw attention Chloe." Beca says next to me. Mike is driving, me and Beca are in the back seat.
"Well, we don't have to be a couple. We could just be friends." I say, grasping at straws. Beca gives me a pointed look.
"You know that'll never work until you learn to control your impulses."
"You are not going in there alone! It's dangerous. He was part of a murder! Multiple people, Beca!" Beca sighs. She puts on her puppy dog eyes and says in a pleading voice,
"Please?" She blinks innocently at me. I groan and rub my eyes.
"Please, Chlo?" She says, still with the puppy dog eyes, biting her lip.
"Fine! Ten minuets. That's all you get."
"Twenty." She smiles.
"Beca, you need to be careful, okay? He's like, almost a mastermind." She rolls her eyes.
"This isn't my first time in the field, Chloe."
"And it's night!" I say, ignoring her. "That's like a sign of evil or something right? When all the bad guys come to play?" Beca smirks.
"Seriously, Beale?"
"We're here." Mike says from the front. I grab Beca's arm before she could get out.
"You don't have to do this alone, let me come, please?" I plead with her. She shakes off my arm.
"I can do this alone, Chlo." She says with the certainty I don't have. I sigh in defeat and get out. I go to her before she enters the store.
"Twenty minutes. Then I'm coming in, okay?" She nods then looks at Mike.
"Make sure she actually stays out here and if she does come in, it's not in a panic." Mike nods.
"I'm right here, Mitchell." I say and she smirks then struts into the store. I watch her go. As soon as the doors close I say to Mike,
"What if she's not okay?"
"She's gonna be fine Chloe. She use to work alone, you know." He answers. "I don't even know how you got to be partners with her, I tried for years." He mutters under his breath. I smile, hesitantly. He's right. She's done this a million times, she'll be fine. That lasted for about five seconds.
"But what if she's not?"
"Geez, twenty minutes. Then you can check on her, okay?"
"Okay." I fidget. Not being able to stand still. Mike just calmly leans against the car, arms crossed and sun glasses on. Although I don't know why he's wearing sun glasses, it is night.
"How long has it been?" He chuckles and looks at his watch. Sometimes I think he thinks we're cute.
"Two minuets."
"Only?" I groan. He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a rectangular object.
"Here, just in case you were impatient as Beca thought you were going to be." I take it and it turns out to be a book. One of my favourites.
"She was going to go in there by herself the whole time?" He nods. I open it and start reading. It was my one from home. It was really hard to concentrate on the book when Beca was in danger. I kept looking at the door.
"You're blowing our cover."
"What?" I ask Mike, distracted.
"Whoever looks at us will know we have something to do with the store."
"How?" He laughs.
"Because you look at the doors every five seconds."
"Oh, right." He checks his watch again.
"It's been fifteen minuets." I start bouncing on the balls of my feet.
"Should she have been done by now?" He shakes his head.
"If she was lucky, yes, but I doubt it." Another five minuets pass and I give Mike the book back.
"You hardly used it." He chuckled. I start to walk in but he grabs my arm.
"Just give her a little longer? You gave her the bare minimum amount of time. We usually give them, around 40-50 minuets."
"You expect me to wait that long?" I ask incredulously. He laughs.
"Of course not, you could barely last five minuets, let alone a whole hour. Just ten more minuets?" I glare at him.
"You just said I could barley last five minuets."
"Five?" I sigh.
"Fine, but only because I know Beca put you up to it." He smiles.
"She sure did." He goes back to crossing his arms. "You know, you two look cute togeth.." He's cut off by gun fire. We both look at each other and I pull out my gun. He does the same.
"Stealthily, okay?" He says. I take a deep breath. Knowing it was the best for Beca.
"Yeah, stealthily." We sneak into the store, guns up. Mike goes left and I go right. Pointing our guns into each aisle at a time. I see gunshots in the wall and realise this was were the gunfire was coming from. I scan the area but stop dead when I see black hair and blood mixed together. My breathing stops and I run down the aisle, stopping dead as I catch sight of the body.
"Mike!" I yell, half hysterical, not caring who hears. Same jacket and leggings, black leather, but the jacket has a purple tinge to it. No I won't let myself hope, it's just the lighting. I fall to my knees beside her. My heart braking.
"Beca." I sob. I should of never let her in alone, what was I thinking? She's gone, because of me!
"Chloe?" I hear Mike say in the distance. "The store's clear, they ran. Chloe what is.. Beca!" He rans over and skids to a stop beside me. He drops to his knees. "No, no, no. This isn't happening." He mutters to himself. I look at him. My eyes over spilling with tears. My heart aching so much it was almost unbearable.
"She's gone." I whisper. He drags me into a hug.
"It's okay. It's fine. These things happen."
"It's because of me." He holds me at arms length.
"It is not your fault, okay? We agreed to this when we signed up for this job."
"But, she wouldn't be dead if I went in there with her." I sob.
"She might not of been or you might both be dead." I shake my head. Not convinced.
"Guys?" I hear an angelic voice say behind us. I turn around and stare at her. Disbelief clear on my face. "Don't tell me you're cheating on me Chloe?" Beca says with her famous smirk. My face breaks into a smile and I run to her. Probably, squishing her to death. More tears gush.
"Oh, Chloe are you okay? What happened?" She said. Returning the hug. Mike walks up behind us.
"We thought you were dead." Beca raises an eyebrow.
"I'm glad I mean that much to you." She says, her smirk still there. I pull back a bit and kiss her, so passionately my heart could burst. She kisses me back. I pull away gasping then smack her arm.
"Ow! What was that for?" She whines.
"Don't you ever scare me like that agin, Beca Mitchell!" I say angrily.
"What? I was chasing the bad guys." She says with a smirk.
"I really thought you were dead." I whisper seriously. Confusion enters her eyes.
"Why?" She asks. I gently take her arm and pull her down the aisle. She gasps. "Someone was hit!" I nod.
"Yeah and she looked like you." Beca makes a face.
"That's a purple jacket, mines pure black." I smack her arm again.
"Be serious Beca! Someone's dead!"
"Okay, okay. I'll make the call. You stay here. Just in case anyone comes back." She pulls out her phone and starts to walk away. Before she got out of reach I grabbed her arm.
"Beca?" She turns around.
"Yeah?" I drag her into a hug.
"I'm glad you're alive." Then I kiss her, more passionately then I have ever kissed her before...or anyone for that matter.

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