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~2 day later~
I woke up in the cell. The same cell that I stayed in , in my dream. I wonder if my dad will come and terrorize the prison like he did. "Madison. Come here." I heard Carl yell. I got up and ran outside. And saw 3 buses pull in the gates. I saw people I recognized from Woodberry. Then Patrick got off the bus. I was over joyed. He was my best friend in Woodberry. "PATRICK!" I yelled and ran towards him. I jump in his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. "I missed you so much." He whispered. "You? I was exiled for no reason and came back and beaten to death and you missed me?" I smiled and kissed his cheek. We walked over to Carl. "Well I see you two have met." He laughed. "He's my bestie." I smiled. "Yup together since the beginning." Patrick smiled. "Well I'm going to show Patrick to his cell. I'll talk to you later Carl." I smiled and walked into the prison with Patrick. "He likes you." Patrick smirked. "What?! No he doesn't." I blushed. "You like him to. Holy shit. I ship it!" He semi yelled. "Shhh. The baby is sleeping." I hissed. "Baby? What baby?" He asked. "Judith, she's Carl's little sister." I said. "Oh." He said. "Well here we are" we got to his cell. "Thanks Madison. I really missed you." He hugged me. "I missed you too." I smiled. "How did you get those cuts and slashes?" He asked. "When I came back to Woodberry, my dad beat me with a whip." I said. "Oh. When's dinner?" He asked. "In about an hour." I said walking out the door and outside. "Madison!!" I heard someone scream. It was Beth. "Beth!!" I mimicked her. "Rick wants you." She said walking up to me. "Ok" I smiled and walked over to the garden where Rick was. "Hey. Beth said you wanted to speak with me." I said. "Uh, yeah it's about the governor. How do we kill him?" He asked. "Wait till he comes here and do it then. If we go to him we'd get outnumbered it wouldn't be possible." I said. "Then that's the plan. Wait until he comes and then get rid of that asshole." Rick said. I nodded and walked over to Carl and Patrick who were talking to Lizzie,Mika and one other kid. "They people, they aren't pets so don't name them." Carl snapped. "whatever." Lizzie said and walked off with the other kid. "Are you coming to story time?" Mika asked Patrick. He nodded and she off. "You go to story time." Carl teased. "Yes I'm Immature." Patrick ran off to catch up with Mika. Carl and I stood in silence for 2 minutes before he broke it. "When we first met, I felt like I've seen you before. But I know I haven't that's the crazy part about it." He chuckled. "Same here. It's like I've dreamt about you." I smiled. I have dreamt about him, for I don't know how long. "DINNER!!" Carol yelled to everyone in the courtyard. Carl ran to the prison and I followed. We got there and sat down. The Woodberry people got their food first, then us. I got my soup and sat down next to Carl and Beth. "So what did you do before all this." Beth asked. "Well I was in school up until 5th when this shit went down. I like performing arts, it's how I lived. I auditioned for every school play, I was in chorus and band. I also like art, ya know like painting, drawing, and sketching. I was pretty good in school kept my grades up to standards. My home life wasn't great. My mom had cancer and my dad drank so much to the point where he was abusive. I have scars from broken glass. That son of a bitch will pay for all he's done." I said. "Damn." Carl said. "Tell me about it." I sighed. "Wait you said 5th, you're 14. You should have been in 6th." Beth said. "In 1st grade, couldn't read like the other kids. Dyslexia is what they called it, so they held me back." I smiled. "Oh" Beth said. "Madison and Carl can you take watch tonight?" Rick asks walking past our table. "Yeah no problem." I smiled and Rick nodded. "Well we better go get ready. It's gonna be a long night." I sighed. I got up and walked to my cell. I got blankets and our guns and brought them to the guard tower. I sat them down on the table when I noticed something on the floor. It's a damn condom. Really Glenn? Be more discreet about that stuff. I walked out of the down and onto ground level. Glenn was walking by. "Hey Glenn, next time get rid of the rubbers after you use them." I teased. His face turned a bright shade of pink. "Sorry." He said embarrassed. "It's fine, just next time dispose of the devices." I smiled, patting his shoulder and running back to the prison to get Carl so we can start our long night in the guard tower.
/5 hours later/
Carl's been asleep for 30 minutes now. We've been switching between off every 40-45 minutes. I guess I could sing to pass the time by.
I can hold my breath
I can bite my tongue
I can stay awake for days if that's what you want
Be your number one
I can fake a smile
I can force a laugh
I can dance and play the part if that's what you ask
Give you all I am
I can do it
I can do it
I can do it
But I'm only human
And bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
I was cut of by Carl groaning. "Well good morning sleeping beauty" I smiled. "What time is it?" He asked. "About 12:30." I said. "Jesus, how much longer?" He groaned. "5 more hours" I sighed. "You need sleep. Sleep for the rest of the watch. I'll wake you up if anything happens." Carl said. "Thank you." I smiled and laid down and fell fast asleep.
/2 hours later/
"Madison wake up." Carl shook me awake. "What?" I asked. "Screams are coming from the prison." He said and I jumped up and ran for the prison. I got to Cell Block C and there was a walker on the upper level. I bolted up the stairs and shot the walker from behind. I ran to see who it was. Oh no. It was Patrick. My whole world just collapsed right in front of my eyes. I  collapsed on the floor and cried. My best friend is dead. Gone. Not ever coming back. "Madiso-" I cut off  Maggie by getting up and going to my cell. I lock the door and put the curtain over it so no one could see me. I had just lost my best friend. I will never be the same.
So that was the first chapter of the sequel. I hoped you liked it.

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