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I sit at the kitchen table with Carl eating cereal. Michonne brought water and her cereal to eat with us. Carl looked at her and laughed. "What. Is there something wrong with my attractive attire?" She asked rolling up her sleeve. Carl just shook his head and I laughed. She sat down and poured her cereal. "Wish we had some soy milk." She said. "You drink that stuff." Carl asked. "Have you ever tried it." Michonne laughed. "My best friend in 3rd grade was allergic to dairy products so he brought this soy stuff to school with him everyday to lunch. I tried it and I threw up." He explained while I bursted into laughter. "Oh yeah right." Michonne laughed. "Okay okay. I almost threw up." He said making fake vomiting noises. "It was so gross I would rather drink powdered milk. I would rather drink Judith's formu-" he cut himself off at the thought of his baby sister. "I'm gonna go finish my book. I have a couple chapters left." He mumbled as he got up from the table. "Carl! Wait!" I yelled chasing after him. I ran upstairs following him into a teen boys room. He sat on the bed with tears running down his cheeks reading his comic book. "Are you okay?" I asked. He didn't answer. "Look, I know how you feel, losing someone that close to you is not fun." I rubbed his back. "You know how i feel? No you don't. You didn't have to shoot your mom in the head. You didn't have to loose you baby sister." He yelled. I got up and went to the door. "For the record, I did have to do those things." I said and walked out. I ran down the stairs and out the door. I ran and ran and ran until I could run anymore. I heard a snap in the woods. Walkers came towards me, I took maybe 10 out before I fell and everything went black.
She knows how I feel? Yeah bullshit. She knows nothing. I walked downstairs and saw my dad and Michonne talking in the kitchen. "Where's Madison?" My dad asked. "I don't know." I answered. "What do you mean 'you don't know'" he asked. "We were arguing and she left." I said. "Let's go find her." He said. "No. You were unconscious yesterday." Michonne said. "Well I'm awake today." He said. "And still weak. We'll go" Michonne said. We got bags and stuff to go on a supply run while we go find Madison.
We said goodbye and left.
It's been about an hour and we haven't found her yet. I saw something shiny in the grass. I ran to it and saw it was Madison's knife surrounded by dead walkers. "What does this mean?" I asked. "She's either dead or still out here. Cmon we need to look for food maybe we'll find her on the way." Michonne sighed. I nodded and we continued looking for food.
I woke up in a hospital room. I got up and took the IV out of my arm and got ready. I banged out the door. "Hello. Help!" I screamed. The door opened. A middle aged man with glasses and my aunt dawn came in. "Put it down." Dawn said. I dropped the needle and looked at her in confusion. "Where am I?" I asked. "Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta." The man said. I nodded and sat on the bed. "Do you remember what happened?" Dawn asked. "I was fighting walkers." I said. She nodded and handed me a blue pair of cargo pants and a police shirt. "Your 14. You don't need to be around medical treatment stuff. You're going to go on runs and help save the people on the street." She said. I smiled and nodded. "Get changed. They're leaving in about 20 minutes." Dawn smiled and walked out. The man left and I got dressed. I walked out and followed dawn out to the car. "Keep her safe. Don't let her out of your sight." Dawn said and closed the door to the car and we left the hospital to help people.
Madison's dead. She's gone. I saw her walker last night after the attack. She's gone. I never got to say goodbye. I didn't mean to go off on her, I was just mad. Now we are at terminus. Dodging bullets left and right trying to get out. We come to a dead end and they're sending my dad, Daryl and Michonne to a box car. I'm walking to the box car, not knowing what the hell will happen. I'm in the crate and the door closes. Glenn come into view as well as Maggie, Sasha, bob, and a few other people.
I don't know how long we've been in here. Getting ready to attack when something was dropped in and exploded. They took my dad, Daryl, Glenn, and Bob.
"This place is not what you think it is." Noah said. I nodded in agreement, this place is crazy. "We've gotta get out of here." Beth said. Noah and I agreed. "Tonight. Beth, you get the keys me and Noah will wait by the elevator." She nodded and went down the hall. Tonight we get out of this hell hole.
We got to the bottom of the elevator. We're almost there. We finally got outside a and past the fences when they caught up to us me and Noah got away but they caught Beth. I stopped but she told us to go. I grabbed Noah and ran to the run down mall about 20 block away. We camped out in a hall waiting for people to join.
We've found refuge in a church. My dad went to go find the people who ate bobs leg off. They've been gone for ten minutes or so. The door to the church opened. "Well i guess you know we're here. And we know you're here." Gareth had found us.
"How long have we been here?" I asked. "2 weeks" Noah said. I groaned. "At least we got out." Noah said. "Yeah but Beth didn't." I said. "She's tough. She'll get out." Noah gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "My group before they were my rock. We were at a prison that was destroyed so we left I left with the leader and his son. I Miss them so much. I had protection. The boy, his name was Carl we were best friends. I love him. When I left I never got to say goodbye. I don't know if he's alive. I had these dreams. Crazy ass dreams. When I woke up the people that were in my dreams were real. They were in my dreams. Carl was in my dreams. Hell, you and Beth were in my dreams. It sounds crazy I know but it's true." I said letting a tear fall. "Hey it's okay. I'm sure nowadays that everyone has dreams." He said. I sighed. "I'm going to go search for weapons. Be right back." He smiled and left.
I heard two gunshots go off. "Shit Noah" I hissed. What the hell has that kid gotten him self into? When Noah never came back I decided to leave to go find his reckless ass. I grabbed my guns and water and left the mall. I found an old warehouse and stayed there. I heard people moving on the floor under me. I readied my gun. The door busted open, I hid behind a pillar. "Stop! Lay down your weapons!" I yelled. "Who are yo-" I cut the man off. "Do what I say. No one has to get hurt." I said. I stood up and walked into view. His face softened when he saw me. He dropped his weapon and walked slowly towards me. I dropped my weapon and ran towards him. I leaped into his arms. He put me on the ground and I went to Daryl. "Where the hell have you been?" He said but not in a mean way. "When the prison fell through I went with Rick and Carl. Michonne showed up. Carl and I got into an argument so I left. I was coming back when I got knocked out while fighting walkers. I was brought to Grady memorial where my aunt dawn was and I helped her. Noah and I escaped but Beth wasn't so lucky. She's alive but still with dawn." I said. "Have you seen carol?" Daryl asked. I shook my head. Then Tyreese and Sasha brought, Shepard and Lampson and one other guy that who's name remained a mystery to me, in. "Madison. You know them?" Shepard asked. "That's right. So I suggest that you do what they say. Bitch." I gritted my teeth. They put them in the middle of the room. I stood watch while they figured shit out. Lampson said he knew her for 8 years. "Hey. Yo Lampson. I've known her for my whole life. She's my aunt.  Before this shit started I used to volunteer at her police department. Back when the bitch had her sanity." I said. I hope I kill that cunt. It'll be the day.
Lampson had gotten away. Stupid prick. Rick went after him. I watched rick hit him with a car. I heard the gunshot go off. Good. He was a dumbass anyway. Rick came back up. "He wouldn't stop." I heard Rick say to Daryl. Shepard put her 2 cents in. Now it's official Lampson was attacked by walkers.
I was standing at the top of a building waiting for Rick. It was my turn to stand sniper with Sasha. I got a stray walker. It was okay for us go to the hospital to get Beth and carol back so the two officers led us. Walking through the hallways and up the stairs to make it to dawn. I want to get the hell out of here. We saw them at the other end of the hallway. We put our weapons away and walked through the door. Rick  told her that her officers hadn't been harmed and that Lampson was "attacked by Rotters". We made the exchange with carol. Then with Beth. "Now all I need is Noah." She said. Who does this bitch think she is? I though to my self. Noah was walking to dawn when Beth said to wait. She hugged him tight. I walked over to him and did the same. Beth let go of Noah and walked towards dawn. "I get it now." She stabbed her with a pair of siccors. Then dawn shot Beth. "Nooooooo" I screamed and shot her in the head. Everyone was in shock. Everyone pulled their weapons out when we were stopped by Shepard. "It's over" she said. "We dont have to deal with her anymore." No one shot one bullet. Daryl was crying so was carol, Rick was too. I wanted to but I couldn't I was in too much shock. As we were leaving Noah followed us. I held onto him for support, my legs were weak. Noah and I were walking behind everyone. We walked out of the hospital. Daryl had Beth. Maggie fell to the ground screaming. One good thing came out of this. Dawn is dead. It got to the point where I couldn't walk anymore so I just fell. Rick picked me up and carried me to the truck. Then I heard his voice. A voice that I desperately needed to hear. "Dad?" Carl said in disbelief. He put me on the ground and I fell into Carl's arms. He put me in the firetruck. He sat beside me and I looked up at him. I put my hand on the side of his face. I brought my lips to his and closed Hether gap between our faces. Our lips moved in sync. Truly magical. I pulled away and leaned my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

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