Broken road

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Ever since Beth dies it was never the same. Maggie's not doing good at all. I'm scared for her. I think we all are to be honest. I lost a lot of people. I lost Bryan, Cameren, Penny, my mom, Bailey, Kaity, Abigail, and Patrick. I'm glad Lilly shot my dad putting him to a very unpeaceful sleep. He was a dick. That's all he'll ever be.
We haven't eaten in a day and a half . It's getting painful. I was with Daryl to look for food but we were finding nothing. Next thing I know he crouched down to sift through the dirt only to pick up a worm and eat it. "Eww. That's gross." I said. "Ha. Not when you're about to starve to death." He said. I had to agree but I would never not in a million years eat an earth worm. Nope not ever. Sorry. We ended up finding nothing so we just have up and went back to the group. "Anything?" Rick asked. I just shook my head. I sat down next to Carl and rested my head on his shoulder. I heard a twig snap in the woods. I shot up and raised my gun. "Come out and show yourself." Rick demanded. I looked down and Carl nudged me. I looked up and saw 4 people I was never supposed to see again because they were dead. Bailey, Abigail, Kaity and my mom. I slowly walked up to them. I started crying. I wrapped my arms around Bailey first then Kaity then Abby the my mom. Wait my mom was bitten by a walker. Was that a dream. "I missed you so much." She cried. "I thought you were dead." I whimpered. I let go of her and looked towards Rick. "This is my mom, Bailey, Abby and Kaity." I smiled. "How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asked. "I don't know like 1 million." Bailey answered. "How many people?" Rick asked. "One for each of us so 4." My mother said. "Why?" "Because they tried to kill us." Abby said. I looked around and noticed that Daryl was gone. "Well I'm Rick, that's my son Carl, my daughter Judith, that's Glenn, Maggie, Michonne, carol, Sasha, Noah, Abraham, Tara, rosita, Eugene, Gabriel, and there's one more but his name is Daryl." Rick smiled. I'm so glad to have them back.
I was sitting with Carl and Judith when Bailey and my mom say with us. "Baby, can I ask you a few questions?" My mother asked with kind eyes. I nodded. "Is he alive?" she asked referring to my dad. "No" I said. "How did he die?" She asked. "Michonne stabbed him then someone else shot him in the head." I said. "Have you see Bryan or Cammy?" She asked. I but my lip and shook my head. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a tear drip on my hand. "Baby don't cry. They could still be out there." She said pulling me into a side hug. I was going to say something when 4 dogs came out of the woods barking at us viciously. The dogs fell limp on the ground due to Sasha shooting them in the head.
I held my stick over the fire cooking the meat on the end of it. It's dog but I'm so hungry and I'd probably eat my own foot. I looked over at Gabriel, the new addition to our group, sitting by himself. I got up and walked over to him. I sat beside him. "Do not be afraid for I am with you. Isaiah 43:5. You're not the only one who believes. I believe. Before all this I would sneak out of the house on Sunday mornings just to go to church." I smiled. "The lord will fight for you, you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14. I said that after every church service. Even in this world I still believe." He smiled and I returned it. I went back over to sit with Carl who was hold baby Judith who was a bit fussy. "Here let me see her." I said and he handed me to her. "Deep in the meadow under a willow a bed of grass a soft green pillow." I sang as she fell asleep in my arms.
We walked some more still hungry even after eating. I'm so thirsty. I'm so weak, my knees are getting weak. i grabbed onto Carl's shoulder to keep balance. " What's wrong?" He asked. "My knees. They're buckling." I said. He snaked his arm around my back and helped me up so I could walk properly. "Thank you." I said. "Anytime." He smiled. I noticed Daryl was gone probably hunting or looking for water. After he finally came back we showed him the water we found in the middle of the road that was "from a friend". "How do we know?" I asked. "We don't. Leave it." Rick said. "All the assurance." Eugene said picking up the water bottle but Abraham smacked it out of his hands. "We can't." Rick said as it started to thunder. We all looked up and it started to rain. I laughed and looked up. I was soaked. It stared to pour. A huge storm was coming. "There's a barn." Daryl said. "Where?" Rick asked. We followed Daryl to the barn and went inside taking refuge in the barn. I noticed someone was missing, my mom. Maybe we'll find her in the morning. We set up in the barn thanking the lord for Daryl finding this place. I think we found one walker and that bitch was scary.
We stared a fire and listened to the storm. I sighed at a memory. "What?" Rick asked. "I used to live with my grandparents and when it stormed we would sit out on the porch and watch the storm pass over. They died a month before the outbreak." I said. I looked over at Carl sleeping and crawled over with him and Judith. I wasn't tired but I just looked at him. I laid beside him and moved the hair out of his face and kissed his temple. He opened his eyes a little and smiled. "You were watching me sleep." He smiled. "At least you can sleep" I slightly laughed. Judith started to cry and Rick took her. Carl motioned me to lay next to him. He wrapp d him arms around me. Rick put Judith beside me as I let sleep take over my body.
I woke up the next morning after having to keep the barn door closed from walkers trying to get in. I got up and walked outside. I heard a snap in the woods so l turned with my gun raise high. All of a sudden I felt a numbing pain in my shoulder. I look to see a bullet hole and pass out from the sight and pain.
My vision blurry, I can hardly hear anything but my heartbeat increasing rapidly. I was laid on a hard surface. My vision cleared up to see that Sasha had carried me back to the barn along with Maggie and some guy. Carl's face popped into view. "Madison. Look at me stay with me. Everything is going to be alright." He said before I blacked out.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't realize she was human until I came closer." Aaron said. Carol dabbed the gunshot wound on Madison's shoulder. It went clean through so we don't have to remove the bullet from her shoulder. This guy says he has a camp or "a community" as he says. I don't trust him, he shot Madison that was the first red flag. My dad went through his pack to see what this guy was about. My dad decides to walk up to him and punch him in the face. He told me to dump his pack. I was to busy to hear anything else. Madison was on the ground next me so I had to be careful where I stepped. After I looked through his pack I sat beside Madison and held her hand. I love her so much, I couldn't live without her.
"Passing up a place where Madison could be treated, where Judith could live. That's pretty dangerous." My dad was arguing with Michonne about going to Alexandria safe zone that Aaron is talking about. The last part I didn't hear but it sound like we might be going. The next thing I know we are going with Glenn and Michonne to search out the area. "I'm staying." I said. "No. You need to help, she'll be fine." My dad said. I sighed and followed the rest of the group out of the barn.
I opened my eyes and I was in the barn. I heard Rick and some man talking. "If they aren't back in an hour I'll put a knife in the base of your skull." Rick said. "I tried to sit up but failed, my should hurt like a mother fucker. "Rick." I croaked. His head shot my way and he smiled. "Are you in pain?" He asked. "Well I was shot in the shoulder, what do you think?" I said in a "duh" tone. "You're right, stupid question." He said and I laughed. "There are some pain killers in my bag." The man said. Rick have him a "you shot her and now you want to help. Are you fucking serious" look. I grabbed his forearm and nodded. Rick went to a bag on the floor and pulled out a bottle of ibuprofen. He gave me two tablets and a bottle of water. I got up slowly to walk around to get used to walking. "I'm so sorry for shooting you, I thought you were a roamed. I'm Aaron" He said. "It's okay I probably would have done the same thing. I'm Madison." I smiled. He smiled and nodded. Judith started to get fussy so Rick tried crushing up some acorns but it was taking to long and the walkers would hear her. "There's applesauce in my bag." Aaron said. I took Judith so could try to get her to calm down. Rick gave him an evil glare. "Do you really think I would try to poison a baby." Aaron said. I looked at Aaron and shook my head telling him not to poke the bear. Rick got the applesauce and walked over to Aaron and made him try it. Rick took Judith and fed her the applesauce and she stopped crying.
Maybe we should go to Alexandria.
When the group got back the had food. "Holy shit." I whispered. "This is our now. Whether or not we go to your camp." Rick said. "Why wouldn't we go?" Carl asked. "Madison is loosing blood she needs medical attention." Glenn said. "I'll be f-fine." I stuttered out of weakness. I stumbled around walking to Carl, Bailey, Abby and Kaity. "The hell you are you can't even get 3 words out with stuttering or walk with out almost falling." Michonne said. "I said I'll be fi-fine. The-there's no n-need to w-w-worry about me." I said almost losing consciousness. "Rick we need to go. She won't make it through the night." Carol said. By now I had Bailey and Carl holding me up so I wouldn't fall. I couldn't hear anything. Then I realized something my mom was still missing. "Hey. Where is my mom." I asked. Maggie looked down. "We found her walker this morning. Sometime after the storm last night she went out and got bit. I'm so sorry." Glenn said. I nodded and looked down. My mom is gone.
I'm sitting in the RV next to Carl wondering if this place is safe. "Hey, you okay?" Carl asked. "Yeah my moms dead and my shoulder hurts like a bitch" I smiled. "Maybe this will help." He kissed my lips gently. "Eww you guys get a room." Bailey whined. Still kissing Carl I gave her the finger and continued what I was doing. He pulled away and smiled. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I bit my lip and nodded. He kissed me then stopped due to Daryl saying shit and slamming on the breaks. " what the hell?" I said. "They slammed on the breaks" he said. What the hell did we just get ourselves into.
We took refuge in an abandoned shack. Daryl knocked on the door letting us know that they were back. Madison is sleeping. I shook her gently trying to wake her up. She wouldn't wake up. I listened to her heart beat, it was weak. I got up and ran to my dad who wrapped me in a giant hug. "Is your sister okay." He asked. I nodded. "What about Madison?" He asked. "She's sleeping but her Heart beat is faint we need to get there and fast." I said and he nodded. We went inside the building and discussed what we were going to do. We decided  that we were going to leave tomorrow morning. "What about Madison? Her heart beat is slowing down and isn't strong." Carol said. "What if she stops breathing or her heart stops." Maggie said. "Then we preform CPR. If that doesn't work and we lose her, the told me she wanted Carl to be the one to stop her from turning." My dad said. I closed my eyes and walked over to Madison. I kneeled down beside her and moved the hair out of her face. "Stay with me baby girl." I whispered and laid down to go to sleep.
We loaded on to the RV and head to our new home. Madison is still asleep. Her heartbeat is stronger but not by much. Aaron says there's a doctor in Alexandria who can help so she be there for a while to get better. We passed Washington on our way there, I wonder if there's anything to hope for there. We had to stop because the battery died. I sat with Judith in my arms wondering if this world will change. I hope it will because honestly I'm tired of awaiting danger at every turn.
We pulled up to the gates of Alexandria. It looks secure. I looked up and herd laughter. This place really is safe.

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