Never ready

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/1 week later/
I walk past our cell where Madison sits staring at the wall across from the bunks. She hasn't moved from that spot since Patrick died. Every once in a while I see her writing something down on a piece of paper. "How is she?" Beth asked standing beside me. "Not to well. She hasn't moved in a week." I said. "She just lost her best friend. Give her some space, she'll come around." She said and walked to help carol with Judith. I sighed and walked out to the garden with my dad. "Hey dad." I said. "Hey. How's Madison?" He asked. "Hasn't moved since." I said. "Give her time. She's grieving." He said. I nodded and was about to say something when Madison's name was being screamed. My dad and I ran back to the prison. Beth was in tears and carol was hold Beth. "What happened." I asked. "Madison, she ran out into the court yard and out the gates, disappeared into the woods. I heard gun shots and saw one of Woodberry's trucks pull out. She's gone." Beth can't ried. "Shit" my dad hissed. Boom. A gun goes off and everyone runs outside. There stands the governor with a small army. Madison stands looking loyal as ever right next to her father. My dad walks up to the gate. I stood as close as possible to my dad. Madison had a gun pointed towards me. I looked at my dad who was arguing with the governor. Hershel and Michonne were on the ground tied up. That's when it happened. The governor cut into Hershel's neck with Michonne sword. "Nooooo" my dad screamed and shot the bobber in the arm. Everyone started shooting. I was beside Daryl because I figured this wasn't going to end well. People were hit but no one killed yet besides Hershel. Then they started to push threw the gates to get to us. I have to find Madison.
I ran to the woods I couldn't stand people looking at me like I was a test subject so I ran. I was hit over the head with something, everything went black.
I woke up in a truck we were at the prison beside me was my dad. The dick. "Let's go." He said and we got out of the truck. He handed me a gun and told me to stand side him on top the tank. I point my gun at Carl to make him think I was on his side. Rick and my dad argued about the prison. I looked down and heard blood splatter. All I saw was Hershel on the ground with his head hanging off. I jumped off the tank and around the truck to hide. I saw Michonne. "That son of a bitch." I said. He got Hershel and her. The next thing I knew the tank was tearing down the fence. I followed behind it. I kept a straight face no matter how hard I want to break down and cry. We were inside the fences of the prison. I was dodging bullets left and right. The tank blew a whole in the prison wall. I couldn't see Rick anymore but I knew he was shot. People were dying now. I needed to find Carl. I don't even know if he's alive. I ran to guard tower 4 and found my dad beating Rick. I saw Michonne stick her sword threw him. I look and Rick was gone. I saw him walk towards the prison so I followed him. Walkers came his way but they were shot down by Carl. They hugged and ran to go find Judith I think. She wasn't in the carrier. This can't be happening. She was just a baby. Walkers came and Carl shot at them until he had no more ammo. He tried and tried but Rick stopped him and he broke down. I saw Michonne cloak and put it on so they couldn't see me. They think I sided with the governor, they'd kill me. Walkers kept coming so I pulled my gun and shot them. "We have to go." I said grabbing Carl and Rick. Rick could barley walk so I helped Carl hold him up. "Don't look back. Carl, just keep walking." Rick said. What's going to happen now.
We've been walking for I don't know how long. Carl's being an ass. "Carl. Slow down." Rick said and Carl stopped. "Everything is going to be-" Rick realized to stop poking the bear. Carl kept walking while I helped Rick. They still don't know who I am. It's never come up. We found an abandoned house. "Stay here I'll clear it." Rick said. "No. You can barely stand, I'm not going to let's you go in there alone." Carl snapped. "Okay." Rick said and opened the door and began to clear the house. We found a walker. Rick tried to kill it with an ax but Carl shot at it. After a small argument we cleared the rest of the house and found food and water. We left the house and kept walking until we found a place we could actually stay at. "Carl." Rick said. "All the doors down here are open I'll be fine." Carl said. "Just stop" Rick said. Carl turned around to face Rick. He banged on the wall. "He asshole" bang. "Hey shitface" bang. "Hey-" I cut Carl off. "Calm down" I said. "Who the hell are you to tell me to calm down. I don't even know your name." He yelled. I tore off the cloak and showed my face. "I think you do" I said and walked away to clear the upstairs. It was clear so I went back downstairs. They were arguing. I think about who eats the damn food. I laid some blankets on the floor and fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up and Rick was on the couch. Carl was in the floor close to me. I went in he kitchen and a bowl of cereal and a cup of instant coffee. I heard footsteps. I knew who it was. I put my cup in the sink and walked out of the kitchen to clean Rick up. I cleaned his wounds while Carl sat on his ass reading comic books. I went to the kitchen to clean up a bit when I heard Carl yelling at his dad to wake up. "He's not going to wake up" I said. He turned to me but quickly diverted his head to the walkers banging on the door. He ran out of the door. When I didn't hear the walkers anymore I went to find Carl. When I couldn't find him I went back into the house and heard him yelling at Rick. Naming off people he couldn't people Rick couldn't protect. "Or Madison." He said. "Actually. When I ran into the woods. The governor found me. I was never on his side. After Patrick died I wanted to end it." I yelled and ran out of the house. I ran to a house and slammed to door shut. I went up stairs and climbed out of a window and sat on the roof. I heard gunshots go off in the house but I didn't jump up. I just sat there. "Nothing is safe anymore" I whispered to my self. I heard something on the other side of the house. I grabbed my gun and stood up. I walked toward the noise. It was a damn bird. I decided to go back to the house. Carl was asleep next to the couch. I went up stairs and fell asleep.
I was woken up by a loud thud downstairs. I went downstairs and saw Carl with his gun raised at Rick. He put it down and began to cry. I went further down and stood behind him. "Carl..... Go outside, stay safe." Rick said the rolled over onto the floor. Carl scooted to his dad and put ricks head in his lap. "We need to get him back on the couch." I said. Carl nodded and helped me get his weakened father back on the couch. He stood there looking at his father. Just enough light hit his face and I saw that he was crying. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me. "Shhhh. It's okay." I whispered as he cried. We laid down, his head on my chest and arms around my waist. That's how we stayed.
I stood in the kitchen eating my cereal and listening to Carl and Rick talk about random things. I walked back into the living room and their eyes where on me. "Why were you with the governor?" Rick asked. "After Patrick died I ran into the woods and he captured me. I was never with him." I said. "Why did you wearing the cloak?" Carl asked. "Because I thought you would kill me because it looked like I betrayed you." I said. "Well we'd never do that. No matter how much wrong you did you are still family and family doesn't kill family." Rick said. "Well at least that son of a bitch is dead." I said referring to my father. Rick smiled at my word choice. There was a knock at the door. Rick stood and looked through the crack and laughed. "What?" Carl asked. "It's for you." Rick smiled.

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