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Hey Wattpaders! :)

I'm back in action, I know I'm getting side tracked with Kayla being pregnant and everything, but don't worry the attention will be going back to Amelia and Adam very soon! Big things are going to happen very soon and quickly. 

For the updating schedule, I don't know when the next update will be coming. Hopefully next week, I'm thinking to update every once a week or maybe once every two weeks I don't know! 

Also HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE! I'm so excited, bye 2015 very soon and hello 2016! :D Hope you enjoy this chapter! 

Picture of Kayla to the side >>

Hugs and Kisses,

--Abbie xoxo

Chapter Twelve;

            Maya's finally being released today, Luke and I are running around my apartment like wild hyena's. Getting the apartment and her room ready again, it seems like a while back since she was last here. After all, it was nearly a month.

Laying down her favorite bed sheets, I then draw the curtains back, the bright light making it brighter and more alive. I hope she likes her room, having done it up, I've done another layer of paint  on her walls, and got a new bed for her. Their are some many memories here, too many.

Hearing the doorbell ring, I then rush to the door. That would be Maya, she discharged herself today and said she was on her way. Taking a deep breath, I then open the door, her long brown hair is tied back into a pony tail and her green eyes staring at me. She sighs in relief, before she drops her bags and embraces me in a hug.

I hug her back, before I then feel a tear dripping down my cheek. "Maya, I'm glad you came home. Luke and I have made your bedroom into a new home" I joke.

She lets go, before she gives out a small laugh. Opening the door, I then let her in before Luke rushes out of the hall way and he see's Maya. Her eyes leave mines and she looks over to where Luke is. Her mouth spreads into a large grin and she goes running to him, picking her up like she weighs nothing. I couldn't help but smile, looking at them makes my heart ache of jealously. 

Maya and Luke are finally getting along, they would make a cute couple. They practically are already a couple. 

They break apart and look at me, Maya then grabs me and plants me in front of the TV. Walking to the freezer, she grabs three plates, planting ice cream in the bowls, before she then walks over to the sofa again. Plopping down she hands us the three plates, taking a spoon from her we dig into them. Turning on a movie, I then drift away from all my problems and I eat some of the  ice cream with Maya beside me.


           Hearing banging on the door, I then groan before I sit up. I must have fell asleep on the sofa, squinting my eyes I see that's its now half four in the morning. Sitting up, the banging continues for another minute. Groaning, "I'm coming now! Hang on!" I yell to them. Soon enough, we I do open the door, I see Connor standing there with an angry expression on his face.

"Let me in please Amelia, it's important I talk to Kayla" He said before he then barges through and into Kayla's room. 

After thirty torturous yelling minutes, I then get fed up. Sitting up, I then walk through towards her bedroom, flinging the door open I see Connor near the door with his hands in his head and Kayla crying on her bed. "What's going on?" I ask them both.

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